Privateer Tips, Tricks, & Secrets?


Hi I'm new to theses boards and sorry if this has been posted before.

I've beat the game several times but I dont think Ive ever found anything too secret.
Are there any secret areas?
I seem to remember a rumor of a military dumping ground(maybe). Or any thing else?

Also are there and nifty tips or tricks?
The rumors about a secret asteroid are false -- that's talking about the Steltek base you find during the plot. I'll let other people talk about other secrets...
Hi! Let me be one of the first to welcome you to the board. I have read many posts like this and it seems that there don't seem to be too many easter eggs or anything like that, you may want to ask someone with more experience with the game though...

Once again, welcome to the board! :)
Thanks for the welcome!
I always loved the game ,just never seemed to do anything but the plot line :)
Well, I dont think that the Steltek base you find is the rumored asteroid filled with hardware, that asteroid is supposed to be in Kilrathi space, the Steltek base is no where near Kilrathi space. But the rumor of an asteroid is just that, a rumor. There is no asteroid full of weapons.

There arent any real secrets in the game, except in Rightious Fire, there is a jump point not noted on your nav maps in the Rikel system. It links to Eden, the hidden Retro sector and base. There is also a hidden jump point in Eden, next to an asteroid field that links back to Rikel system.

I know many would argue that the Steltek base is the rumored asteroid. Well unless there is a published article or novel that states otherwise, the game does not reference the base as the asteroid filled with hardware. If it was, the Delta Prime sector would have been charted without Burrows help. The game does refer to the base somewhat when one of the bartenders tells you about a pilot drifting 3 weeks outside the normal lanes of traffic in New Detroit.

The pilot encounters a strange, very large ship that didnt register on the scans. I would bet this is what the reference is to the Steltek base.

In short, the Steltek base is NOT an asteroid!! :)

Originally posted by RFBurns

In short, the Steltek base is NOT an asteroid!! :)


Uh-oh, apparently you missed the last thread about that topic. LOAF stated that an official member of the game did explicitly say that the asteroid is a hint to the Steltek base IIRC ;)

Oh and Matsu: Welcome!

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 05-02-2001 at 14:52]
Thats interesting! Well if one of the makers said its a hint to the base, then that settles that! And to think, I spent many hours flying thru Kilrathi space looking for that asteroid! But I did manage to rack up quite a kill count! :)

Heres a neat tip. You can increase your shield charge rate by engaging the next shield level if your craft has good shields (ie: level 2 or 3 or 4). When you take a hit, just increase your shield level to the next higher one, and the hit shield will draw energy from both the capacitor bank as well as the other shields, thus increasing the damaged shields charge rate!

Another tip. Say you have level 3 shields, and you are about to run into a hord of targets, just before you start taking fire and engaging bogies, hit your shield to the next setting, level 3. That way it sort of balances out when you take hits, and keeps your shields on a constant charge up, as well as decrease the drain on the energy reserve, giving you a bit more afterburn power and gun energy in those "sticky" situations.

Another tip. When flying thru the asteroids, move your stick up and down or side to side real fast, this prevents the asteroid generator from resetting and you can whiz right thru the asteroids at full afterburn speed!

Further notes on the base: Remember that the bartenders believed (in Privateer) the Steltek to be the Kilrathi... they talked about a Kilrathi super-weapon and so forth...

Further, in the missions before finding the base, we encounter quite a few Kilrathi... meaning that the area is reletively close to the Kilrathi border. :)
Originally posted by Matsu
Hi I'm new to theses boards and sorry if this has been posted before.

I've beat the game several times but I dont think Ive ever found anything too secret.
Are there any secret areas?
I seem to remember a rumor of a military dumping ground(maybe). Or any thing else?

Also are there and nifty tips or tricks?

Welcome on board!!!!

You can talk to Terrell after the destruction of the drone
That's hardly a spoiler.

Originally posted by RFBurns
When flying through the asteroids, move your stick up and down or side to side real fast, this prevents the asteroid generator from resetting and you can whiz right through the asteroids at full afterburn speed!
I've tried that before, it never works for me. There's always one asteriod that manages to find me and... BOOM! Bye bye Mr Burrows. :(
I'll have to try the asteroid thing, it might work cause I never seem to get hit while dogfighting in the asteroids.
Anything else or is it just a slow game in the hidden stuff dept?
Originally posted by RFBurns
Well, I dont think that the Steltek base you find is the rumored asteroid filled with hardware, that asteroid is supposed to be in Kilrathi space, the Steltek base is no where near Kilrathi space. But the rumor of an asteroid is just that, a rumor. There is no asteroid full of weapons.
Oh isn't there, well maybe where you are there isn't but where I am.......
Plus, I mean, how much sense does an asteroid full of weapons make, anyway?

Oooh, we have built or purchased a large amount of weapons... what do you think we should do with them? Lets put them in an un-defended asteroid on the border of our enemies, where Privateers routinely travel! What an excellent idea! That's not stupid at all!
Actually I was hoping that asteroid or whatever was actually there, but after several weeks of intensive searching, no hollow asteroid. But the run thru Kilrathi space gave some exciting dogfighting practice. So it wasnt a total loss. But it would have been a neat easter egg if they did put a hidden treasure somewhere out in the Kilrathi sectors. Be honest everyone, how many of you actually went and tried to hunt down that asteroid? Dont worry, we wont laugh!! :D

Well I did! And to be honest, until about a month ago, I was still looking!! :D But not all was a loss, got some real good dogfight practice in those sectors!!

I used to cruise the furball systems looking to whack cats -- last I'd heard before Privateer, those bastards were on the run for Earth and I was going to make them pay. :)