Privateer Joystick Trick


I'm kinda stalled on Mission 3 of the Taryn Cross segment in Privateer... you know, Kilrathi and Asteroids? The kitties aren't so much a problem as the weird physics dragging giant rocks into me, when I really ought to have dodged it, which leaves a big hole in my shields, which the Kilrathi then pour fire into... and it's a whole big debacle.

So I was wondering, what exactly IS the Asteroid Trick? I'd thought it was holding the afterburners on and jinking madly with the joystick, but even that proved unreliable when I tried it earlier, and I got the entire side of my Centurion disabled for my troubles.

System is a faster 386, stick is a Logitech Wingman Extreme. Appreciate any help you can give me on this - I'd rather not take a hexeditor to the asteroid definitions in the game files... (Also, sorry if this topic's overdone - I did run a search for "privateer joystick" but they were all "why does my stick not work?" topics. The stick works fine, I'm just inept.)
Phy said:
I'm kinda stalled on Mission 3 of the Taryn Cross segment in Privateer... you know, Kilrathi and Asteroids? The kitties aren't so much a problem as the weird physics dragging giant rocks into me, when I really ought to have dodged it, which leaves a big hole in my shields, which the Kilrathi then pour fire into... and it's a whole big debacle.

So I was wondering, what exactly IS the Asteroid Trick? I'd thought it was holding the afterburners on and jinking madly with the joystick, but even that proved unreliable when I tried it earlier, and I got the entire side of my Centurion disabled for my troubles.

I never really tried the "joystick trick" but it's something along the lines of what you did if I remember correctly. Maybe try and use your afterburners in short intervals while pulling up and pushing down on the stick.

Personally, I always found hitting your afterburners then letting go for a split second while turning to any other direction and hitting them again works. The asteroids wont have a long-term spot to fix onto your ship (BTW that’s the one thing I’d hit the programmer’s upside the head for!) and the Kilrathi will probably end up crashing into the asteroids if you keep it up long enough. (Stupid pancake ships :D).
Holding the AB down while pitching up-down (or yawing left-right, but most people I know who do it use pitch) is the "joystick trick" in question. A smooth motion (think along the lines of what a drawing of a sine wave looks like) is what you should be aiming for, not just random jerks around whereever.
Note that I destroyed my Wingman Extreme doing EXACTLY that... You hold afterburner down and move the stick back and forth. it should be a smotth movement, like Death said, but it should be fast. NEVER random. And it WILL break the crappy Logitech.
Edfilho, how many sticks have broke? I broke 2 on the PC, and 3 on an Apple II.

I just went to a computer store that on sale, and guess what I took home.... A Logitech USB stick with Force FB! :D Its 50% off and I could't resist. Now I have 3, Logitech WM Extreme Digital, and a Quickshot 6-button stick that looks like a PS game pad. Still thinking how to rig these sticks to a single PC. Uh-oh, my wife is upset....
I broke two Wingmen. No, strike that, Two wingmen extreme broke. The digital didn't ever work right. the rubber cover thing that connects the handle to the base simply disintegrated on both sticks after a couple of months, and lot's of other stuff broke one after the other. I consider all Logitech gaming ware to be crap crap crap crap.

On the other hand, my Sidewinder Precision 2 is perfect. Works really well, takes a lot of punishment and has throttle and a twist handle. really good.
I used that trick in these missions many times. U have to wildly and quickly move your joystick in circles around the general direction u are heading to, while u are using the afterburners. Best for this trick is an old cheap joystick as the poor thing suffers a lot, and new ones simply don't let u do big circles (at least mine).

Note that this method is risky, and I used to crash once in a while.

Best thing to do those missions however is being friendly with kilrathi faction, as I was once. U don't have to fight any kilrathi until last mission, if I recall correctly. :p

Hummm... As we mentioned before, usually jerking around does not work. Back-and-forth OR side-to-side are more efficient.

Did you swap the Stick everytime you played this párticular mission?