Privateer in Windows 2000


how exactly do you go about getting privateer to run in windows 2000? it doesn't have a dos mode, and i have never been able to run privateer with a boot disk or anything, only by copying the .tre files and modifying the .cfg, which won't work in windows 2000. any help?
Help could be had if you posted this on the "Tech Support" section of the CZ. ;)
You should give it a try first, anyway.

Privateer is difficult enough for some to get working on Win9x systems. I don't think you'll have any luck getting it working on Win2000. You'll need to be in pure DOS mode to play Privateer properly, and I don't think a Win9x boot disk can help you there.

Is Win2000 one of those dual boot systems? Perhaps you could install Win98 as the second OS?
dual boot? i get the concept: to have 2 OS on the same comp., but how would you partition it/install both/switch between OSs? i guess i should read up on that.
there should be a page with the answers to making privateer run on newer computers. it would save ppl from having to make so many posts
I love writing those sorts of things, but I lack the know-how. I finally gave up getting Privateer to run on my desktop computer, figuring that it just can't handle AMD K6/2 CPU's. I just got a laptop with an actual Intel CPU, but I can't get Privateer running on it, either. Same problem, I imagine, except I'm running XP instead of Win2K.

If I could just get xdosemu running, I'd play Privateer out of Linux. I bet THAT would work.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Perhaps you should write one then, $tormin.

Maybe there could be FAQ put up at CIC?

all i know about computers can be written on a microchip with a dull axe.
There's plenty of Privateer threads viewable at any given time, yet people still start new threads. Nobody reads FAQs.
It's equally easy to read a FAQ as it is to browse through some older threads. If people aren't doing one, they won't do the other either.
you got the sticky tag so the thread stays at the top. just name it how to run privateer in windows or somthing like that. everyone who posts these threads say they atleast glanced at the tech forum.