Privateer help

I think there's more than one other thread devoted to that problem, it's a common problem
Just to clarify (Weasel's post sounds as though you can only run it on a DOS-only system) - Privateer cannot work in a Windows DOS box, but it can be made to run on a pure DOS boot, a Windows MS-DOS restart, or from a bootdisk.
Jriley, If you like we can't help you create a bootdisk. Discribe your system. What OS, Sound Card, and mouse (usb)? Post your c:\autoexec.bat, c:\config.sys, and c:\windows\dosstart.bat.
Originally posted by Johnl12
If you like we can't help you create a bootdisk.
Hehe, how nice of you to say that! ;)

Another way to make Privateer work: Windows shortcut with modified autoexec.bat and config.sys.
These pleas for help tend to pop up on a regular basis. Perhaps there should be a “flag” beside “FAQS” etc with “basic help”? Failing this, those in need could knock on the wizards´door?

Well spotted Mystery muppet. Johnl12 is a “wizard “ on the tech stuff, but the keyboard seems to baffle him from time to time!
John got privateer to work on my comptur. It also has win 98 but you have to go to Dos. John is really good he will be able to fix your problem.
Originally posted by Farzone
These pleas for help tend to pop up on a regular basis. Perhaps there should be a “flag” beside “FAQS” etc with “basic help”? Failing this, those in need could knock on the wizards´door?

It will not work, because is *easier* for the people to post their problems rather rather than search a FAQ,flag or whatever, i had seen many problems posted here,in which the solution was in the FAQ, like the WCP movie and DirectX-WCP problems.
Mystery muppet and Farzone:

I have always try to be kind and not insult anyone here. But you two have never help anyone. When I said "we" I mean we as in someone who can really help like Ghost, Starkey or Happy. They unlike you two actually know what they are doing and really do try to help.

They also have an open minds. They understand that not every system is the same. What works for one system may not work for another. Also most people who come here for help aren't not very comfortible with computers. They understand this, where you two don't.

You don't change someone system files because it may cause problems. This is the number one reason why I use a bootdisk and not icon shortcuts. I am not going to screw up someone machine. I am not prepare to spend time on the phone helping someone to fix their PC's. A good tech support person understands this.

You two only say you can do this or that but never follow up. Mystery muppet, I even give you a change to help one person but you fail and he ended up ask me for help. The advise you two give are useless. You two are useless in the tech support side of the site. If you already want to help, stay in the general chat area where you can't do any real harm.

The two of you are lucky that I am not a Admin here because I would have banned you two from the Tech Support a long time ago. But I am not and the only thing I can do is try to save people from you two.

Now I do understand that this "Repairman" logo thing I was given does not give me any authority here. The Admins gave me this title because they felt I earn it. Only two of us have this title. I been here for over a year with almost 900 posting with atleast 98% of them to the Tech Support side. At this rate it will take me over three years to post 2000 posts. But when I do post something it's usually helpful and positive.
Wow, that was suprisingly out of line. Those were both. actually, legitimate suggestions... One of them didn't even have to do with anything relating to this problem and can't have a negative effect on finding a solution. A FAQ for getting the original DOS games to work is definately something that's been discussed. Although the impact is rather difficult to measure, due to the fact that those helped by it don't tend to post, I would be quite happy to make any useful FAQ a sticky at the top of this forum.

Secondly John, while you were busy getting all worked up, you appear to have not realised that Muppet was refering to a shortcut, in windows, containing the config.sys and autoexec.bat data required to do a proper DOS boot for the game. He wasn't suggesting that you make some sort of shortcut and then go change your normal system files. While not horrifically helpful, it is a valid point and can, in no way, do any harm.

If you have problems, at least think them out beforehand and make sure they really exist.
TC, I do know how to create the short cut that Mystery muppet is refering too. I choose not to do so because it's easier and safer not to do. The one thing I have learn with my 6 years of experence as a System Administrator is when dealing with endusers is to always keep it simple.

My problem with him is that all he ever does is suggest that. He never helps anyone to actually create the autoexec.bat and config.sys. He just acts like he knows what he's doing. Than he has the guile to critizes me for being able do actually help. If he and Farzone think they can do a better job than me than they should really do so.

Don't just say make a bootable shortcut. Actually create a config.sys and autoexec.bat. Research the sound and video cards; learn about vesa drivers.
Johnl12 you seem to have misunderstood my post. There was no intention to denigrate your work. In the short time I have been on this site, I have gained the clear impression that your input is highly regarded.
In my book, wizards are people who wave their wands and do magic, while the rest stand back amazed. If you resent this comparison please say so.
However, this one time, your spelling mistake did make a significant difference to the meaning of the sentence. Mystery muppet and I could have pointed this out in a far more unfriendly fashion if our intention was to hurt your feelings.

Mystery muppet, if you feel that I have “Taken your name in vain” ( to quote an old book ) please don´t hesitate to give me heaps of flak. But for gods´ sake make it funny!
Originally posted by Farzone
I have gained the clear impression that your input is highly regarded.

That's true. Perhaps it has gone to his head...

Everyone should feel free to try to help other people with their problems. Just because their suggestions may not be the most obvious or easiest solutions doesn't make them any less valid. They may not always have the right answers, but at least they're trying to help. You can't blame people for trying.

Why you have a problem with that is beyond my understanding.
First, I just re-read my first post. I did not realize the I use the word can't instead of can. If you two would had just simply pointed that out I wouldn't have misunderstood your commits. It wasn't untill Farzone second post witch he finely points this out that I realize out was going on.

This is what causes "Flame Wars." Instead of making slide remarks, you should instead just said that I may a mistake. You need to understand that on the Tech Support side of this site people are asking for help. We don't need witty remarks here.

I try really hard to help people. Between my real work and this I don't have time to try and figure out what you are really trying to say.

WildWeasel: I do not wish to get into a flame war with you. So please just stop.

You're implying that I'm trying to start such a war. I'm not. I'm pointing out that everyone has a right to try to offer tech support.
Originally posted by Ghost

It will not work, because is *easier* for the people to post their problems rather rather than search a FAQ,flag or whatever, i had seen many problems posted here,in which the solution was in the FAQ, like the WCP movie and DirectX-WCP problems.
I agree with Ghost. He created the FAQ thread on top of the Tech Support side. He been the most out spoken person in support for a FAQ. I also feel amaze when someone ask about the WCP movie skipping when all they have to do is read the FAQ thread that Ghost started.

But, when it comes to creating a bootdisk most people don't understand DOS. I work with tech guys all the time who knows a lot about Windows and Unix but don't understand DOS. DOS is a dead OS.

Words like bootdisk, config.sys, autoexec.bat or systems files are a foreign langauge to most people. They can't even ID their sound card.

Also, when you tell someone to disable DX sound accelleration you should also include instruction on how to do this. It's like when someone ask you if you know what time it is. You say yes, but you don't tell them the time.
John: ... Where have I stated that I don't respect your efforts and knowledge? I don't post many helpful things here because you, TC or someone else have already posted them. I have a Privateer installation guide available, so it's theoretically possible for me to help people with configuration-files I can make sense of (as long as they contain emm386.exe, hehe), but you get the job done well. What you interpret as not following up on suggestions is simply because I sweep the boards, usually checking/posting once per session only (even my time is somewhat limited). When I return to the topic, it's usually solved, or it has passed out of my level of competence. So I won't post something completely and utterly pointless. Unless I'm trying to provoke a laugh. Or if I have no idea as to what I'm talking about. Happens occasionally.

Farzone: ... Uh... What's my motive? 'Using a name in vain'... Whatever. I have no reason to extend such a greeting. *Deactivates flak-batteries*
(Where did the expression of using flak instead of flaming come from, anyway? Freespace 2? Why?)
Mystery muppet
Please excuse the oblique references. You may have felt that I spoke on your behalf also, and this was my way of giving you free license to “Flame” me.

Flak:- Usage- giving or receiving some / a lot / plenty etc.
Origin – presumably the first or second world war.
Aquired in my youth ( when computers used radio valves ) some years after the second event.