Privateer error code


Like most of you, I decided to dust off the old games. I could not make them run on my I went out and bought a P 75 machine. Now for the problem. When I try to start Privateer, I get an error:
Fatal errror
Error Code: E001-FFFF
Program halted by code.
Jemm unloaded.

Ok I did research on this site, but none of the suggestions to others have helped.
Any ideas?
Sorry, that the other Threads here couldn't help you. Even DOSBox 0.61 with the EMS Patch didn't help? Oh well. :( - What is your whole config? Pentium75Mhz and? "Jemm unloaded" - So you are using myJemm and trying Privateer via Windows. What Windows is that? Have you tried making a DOS boot-disk? If not, this Thread might help to create one:
Guess you already saw that one. So best would be if you first post your whole setup.

I've just searched this Forum for your Error Code, and someone else got it, too (the exact same one!) So check out this Thread - it's very old, but should still help:
Path C:\mouse;c:\windows;c:\windows\command
LH mouse
Set Blaster=a220 I10 D3 H7 P330 T6
Set CTCM=C:\windows
Rem - By windows Setup - LH c:\window\command\mscdex /D:MSCD001 /V /M:8

Devicehigh=C;windows\emm386.exe ram
DeviceHigh=C:\SB1\Drv\Ctsb16.sys /Unit=0 /win95 /Blaster=a:220 I:10 D:3 H:7
Devicehigh=C:\sbcd\vide-cdd.sys /d:mscd001
Rem Buffers=32

Thank you for your help
It's been a while since I made my Bootdisk for my K6-2 400Mhz (never done it before, if I rmember right), but shouldn't this line:
Devicehigh=C;windows\emm386.exe ram
look like this:
Devicehigh=C:\windows\emm386.exe 16384 ram /I=B000-B7FF
Just an example, RAM-number could be less if your PC doesn't have that much ;) - And if I rmember right the "/I=B000-B7FF " is not always needed.

And I also didn't know the ",0" is needed here: Buffers=32,0 - Would simply use Buffers=30

One more question: Is this the floppy or CD-Version? Cause if it's CD you need to load mscdex.exe, too, if I remember right. - There changing the last line in the autoexec.bat should simply help.
No idea what this stuff is for:
Rem Buffers=32
and this one:
Set CTCM=C:\windows
But I guess that is only cause I haven't fiddled around too much with this. Anyway, I'd guess the best would be to make a DOS boot disk.
All in all I hope someone else also posts here, cause no idea what you really need, but here is what I would write in the autoexec.bat and the config.sys for your bootdisk (copied from one thread and changed to your needs - I hope):


Path C:\mouse;c:\windows;c:\windows\command
LH mouse
SET BLASTER=A220 I10 D3 H7 P330 T6

Normally that "should" work - so just create a boot disk with these autoexec.bat and config.sys - do not change your HDD config.sys and autoexec.bat! Cause if things go wrong you won't harm anything with this bootdisk and can simply restart the Pc without the bootdisk afterwards ;) I hope this helps you.
I've created the boot disk as you suggested, however for some reason it said I had errors in each line of the config.sys
Oh... Hmm, either the floppy you used is bad or...
One question: What format is your C: drive? FAT or FAT32? Cause if FAT32 that would explain the errors, if not, and Floppy is OK. No idea :(
Under Windows Right-click on your HDD, select "Properties" and there it should be mentioned. IF it's FAT32 I've got no idea how to make the boot disk, sorry :( - But there is a way, just wait till some others reply ;)

P.S.: Offtopic: Finally 1st Lt. :)
Are you SURE the path(s) are correct? DOS is very much an all or nothing setup.
I had this problem years ago (!) and can´t exactly remember how I fixed it. Try choosing one of the lines from your config.sys that give a eror message ie. C:\windows\emm386.exe to test your path.
Do the following:
Boot up from your floppy (ignoring the error messages)
The last line should be A:\
Type "C:" and press enter
That should give you C:\ as the last line
Type "CD windows" and press enter
That should give you C:\windows as the last line.

I know this proceedure sounds horribly pedantic, but all my errors from the "Good Old Dos Days" were due to logical errors. Logical errors - once made - are pretty hard to spot.
If this doesn´t give you any enlightenment, try posting your autoexec.bat and config.sys again noting which lines give an error message.
Good luck!
I just went out to brush my teeth and had a thought in the process! Checked the config.sys you posted and there is a basic error in it.
Your post:-
Devicehigh=C;windows\emm386.exe ram

The line with emm386.exe MUST come before Dos=high,umb
This is probably what is giving the error messages - assuming that your path statements are correct :)

Just write Device= , adding high to the emm386.exe line makes no difference because "Dos=high,umb " hasn´t been read yet.
However, if you are short of memory, you can write fileshigh, buffershigh,stackshigh and lastdrive high. Sometimes these will give an error code, but they WILL work. You can test this yourself by using the "mem" command.
Change your lastdrive letter to something lower ( ie G or H ) as each additional letter requires more memory.
Finally, if you have problems with getting enough conventional memory try using a memory manager called "QEMM". It´s much better than memmaker.
What you said makes perfect since, however I'm still getting the same error message....Its file is missing or corrupted.....I just don't get should work
Have you tried this yet?
Boot up from your floppy (ignoring the error messages)
The last line should be A:\
Type "C:" and press enter
That should give you C:\ as the last line
Type "CD windows" and press enter
That should give you C:\windows as the last line.
It's a good method to test if it booted at all. If you can find that directory, you should be able to get it working with maybe some tweaking.
Oh, one question: You formated your Floppy as bootable disk, right? I ask, cause I once forgot it myself and then of course nothing works ^^
Protected mode driver is not responding to EMS function calls. Make sure your function driver is not configured with the no EMS option. If it is, replace the function "no EMS" with "RAM".

I get this message when trying to run Privateer. I am using DOSBox 0.61. Is there an easy way out of this that I'm overlooking? If so, will the fix also help me run the Ultima 7 games?
yes, there is:
Just open your dosbox.conf file and there set EMS=False - Then everything should work. BUT no idea if this works for Ultima 7, sorry :( - But according to the DOSBox Info it should help there, too.
It´s not "good form" to gatecrash/hi-jack other peoples threads. It doesn´t take too many interruptions of that kind before the thread becomes impossible to follow ;)
Start your own thread, there are lots of people out there that are willing to help. If you post on an unrelated thread you are reducing the odds of these great guys seeing your post, and therefore reducing your own odds of getting the right reply quickly :)
It was not my impression to hijack/gatecrash anyone's thread. I didn't want to clutter this technical forum with yet another thread with an easy answer, which I just received. And yes, there is a relation, this is about Privateer technical problems (not to be asinine, rafiqam, but your post here has far less relation to the topic at hand than my first, but alas, I have to answer). For all I know, this error code reported by ncman could be caused by the same problem I have. If anything, the thread got another helpful bump by my Privateer technical question :)
Apparently, I got the exact same error as stated in the first post, how about that. I just modified the DOS Box configuration as per WUQKED's instructions, now I'll skim through and see if the other tips help.