Privateer commodities patch

Originally posted by Ladiesman^
It could have easily been myth that Dakhath did that. Maybe he did it once and now has a reputation.

Yeah and maybe the myth was to make terrain pilots think twice about ejecting tell it was to late to bail from there damaged fighters.

[Edited by -=\/\/olf=- on 07-14-2001 at 19:15]
Originally posted by Ladiesman^
It could have easily been myth that Dakhath did that. Maybe he did it once and now has a reputation.

I agree, probably just another taste of Terran propaganda to depict the Kilrathi as evil and barbaric.
wow, you guys can take anything off topic in a heartbeat.

anyway, I did figure out where I saw the patch (now I feel really dumb). It was on my old computer, no wonder I couldn't find it anywhere. It is unfortunately made for the floppy disk version.

Does anyone have a clue about possibly converting it to a the CD version, or about a version of the patch that is for the CD version?

Though I doubt anyone who could answer that will bother wading through pages of OT yit to read this..

ah well, lemme know if anything turns up.
thwarted again
Originally posted by MamiyaOtaru
wow, you guys can take anything off topic in a heartbeat.

anyway, I did figure out where I saw the patch (now I feel really dumb). It was on my old computer, no wonder I couldn't find it anywhere. It is unfortunately made for the floppy disk version.

Does anyone have a clue about possibly converting it to a the CD version, or about a version of the patch that is for the CD version?

Though I doubt anyone who could answer that will bother wading through pages of OT yit to read this..

ah well, lemme know if anything turns up.
thwarted again

I don't know how to convert it i've only owned the cd version but don't feel dumb about it being on your old computer the hole time. I can't tell you how many times I've doug threw all my disks looking for that damn mscdex cd driver then its been on my old 486 machine the hole time :o

[Edited by -=\/\/olf=- on 07-14-2001 at 23:15]
Tell me about it. Three times I posted a question here and by the first or second posting it was go. Never did get a answer. That is really annoying.
I just borrowed my friends disk version and I cant find a way to change the patch to the cd version. I'll keep messing with it when I can and if I find a way I'll post it.
Oh, so there's a TRE writer now?

Originally posted by MamiyaOtaru
Shooting other ships doesn't get you enough debris.
Or you could just let the pirates blow up a merchant and then grab the cargo. Then you could blow up the pirates and grab all their contraband. :)

Haven't read the whole thread - did someone get that patch working?
Originally posted by Wedge009
Oh, so there's a TRE writer now?

Originally posted by MamiyaOtaru
Shooting other ships doesn't get you enough debris.
Or you could just let the pirates blow up a merchant and then grab the cargo. Then you could blow up the pirates and grab all their contraband. :)

Yeah isn't it kind of weird they never grab the cargo? and isn't it rare for pirates to drop contraband little alone anything?
that kinda sucked how piracy wasn't really worth doing. i can make more money doing honest drug smuggling than i can by blowing up merchants :(
That's a really special gift :D

Anyway, about adding it to a .tre, and the .cfg file, all well and good, but if I remember the patch is an .exe made for patching a .tre for the original disk version. Does anyone have the disk version who coulld patch it and post the new .tre for us to fool with? Or do I have to be more clever than that?
less gifted
Actually that is a dumb thing to ask. Does anyone have the disk version of Privateer, who could send me objects.tre and gameflow.tre? If I could get those, I'll patch them myself, and see about getting them to do something to the CD version.

if you can help please fire me an email at thanks

[Edited by MamiyaOtaru on 07-23-2001 at 23:04]

Sorry to post again, but something has happened.

I went and downloaded the disk version, and patched the necessary files. Than I added them, as suggested, to the priv.cfg file and the CD version now reflects the changes!

Unfortunately, other pilots don't speak to you, you now get the subtitles instead, and it crashes if you open the computer to save/load.

I suppose I could play the disk version.. It would be nice to get ahold of the speech pack for it. Or to figure out why the save crashes the game in the CD version now. oh well. The patch is pretty cool, one can make a living as a pirate, or by buying grain at an agricultural world and selling it elsewhere. Hurrah