Privateer 2 The Darkening

Is this really necessary? If you're stuck with a DOS edition then use Thomas Perl's Windows patch. Honestly, a lot of the Privateer Remake comments I've seen are from people who are just happy that they can get something for free and that it's a lot easier to get than ordinarily pirated software.
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I have the Windows 95 version trying to run it in WinXP (in emulation) have the speed down patch that works pretty well but am suffering from constant crashes which seem to be common from what I have read on different sites (crash alot try to run in moslo also) :(

So a remake of the game with a newer engine would be fun. I liked Priveteer 2 in the day. Why let a good title fade into the depth of time?
If it's giving you that much trouble, you should pick up a cheap Pentium 60/90/100 machine for $50.

People are still playing all the classics; things like DOSbox get better every month. Ironically, Privateer 1 is a good example of this.
Aye Sir!

::Snaps a salutes and turns on his heel and marchs off muttering about admirals and why HE would never join the Privateer military :: :rolleyes:
I've been playing Privateer 2 a lot lately. Ever since I got my older computer hooked up. It's got such good replayability that I don't even see a need for a remake of it. And yes, those cutscenes are pretty strange. Interesting though. I kind of like Eric Robert's style. I wonder what other projects he's directed.
Eric Robert's
Erin Roberts' ... Starlancer, but I don's think he actually "directs" in the sense that he directed Priv2.

Brute Force (2003), Microsoft Game Studios
Conquest: Frontier Wars (2001), Ubisoft Entertainment
Starlancer (2000), Microsoft
Privateer 2: The Darkening (1996), ORIGIN Systems Inc.
Magic Carpet (1994), Electronic Arts Inc.
Shadowcaster (1993), ORIGIN Systems Inc.
Strike Commander (1993), Electronic Arts Inc., ORIGIN Systems Inc.
Wing Commander: Privateer (1993), Electronic Arts Inc., ORIGIN Systems Inc.
Wing Commander (1990), ORIGIN Systems Inc.
Knights of Legend (1989), ORIGIN Systems Inc.

Of course most of these he probably isn't "director" either... I think he was producer or something on Brute Force.
P2 works just fine on my XP system with the patch and the compatibility mode set to 98. So a remake would mean very little to me.