Privateer 2 problem

Londo Mollari

Rear Admiral
Ok finally got the dos version to load, but when I start the game it asks for CD 1 and no matter what I press it doesn't seem to find the disk. Any ideas? When I tried to play the the windows version it crashes when I try to take off from Hermes and I get a Dark.exe error which crashes to desktop
Ok finally got the dos version to load, but when I start the game it asks for CD 1 and no matter what I press it doesn't seem to find the disk. Any ideas? When I tried to play the the windows version it crashes when I try to take off from Hermes and I get a Dark.exe error which crashes to desktop

Are you playing in dosbox? Are you sure you mounted your CD-Rom correctly?
Ok I got the game to load but I can't get my joystick to calibrate. Tried the lower right upper left thing. Game runs very choppy and in a small window. Windows version still crashing to desktop...sometimes so bad I have to do a hard reboot. I know I had the windows version working before my last great computer crash, but I was using different catalyst drivers.
Ok I got the game to load but I can't get my joystick to calibrate. Tried the lower right upper left thing. Game runs very choppy and in a small window. Windows version still crashing to desktop...sometimes so bad I have to do a hard reboot. I know I had the windows version working before my last great computer crash, but I was using different catalyst drivers.

You should be able to get dosbox to go full screen. Try alt-enter. If that doesn't work, there is a line in the dosbox.conf file that you can set so that dosbox loads in fullsceen all the time.

As well, you will want to edit the config file anyway to turn on dynamic core (or you might want to experiment with auto). Then you should be able to turn the dosbox's cpu cycles up to aleviate the stuttering.
I didn't even know it was possible to run Privateer 2 anymore, I tried to load it, but there seems to be a problem with it saving the audio config files, and it has a fatal error every time I try to start the game. I would love to be able to play this game again, if you can help I would appreciate it.
Hi there, I'm a long time visitor, new poster, but thought I could help. I am playing this game properly for the first time since buying it when it came out, and its all thanks to a patch for windows I think I got in the files section here at CIC.

I think its called winpatch, I can't remember, but you copy all of CD1 files to hard drive, add this new little file, then burn a brand new CD1, and Ser Bob's your uncle! If you can't find anything like that, I'll see what I can find out.

I have never been able to get into this game since the initial disappointment that it had nothing directly to do with the Wing Commander Universe, but for years I've kept hoping that I could get into it, and I finally have! I think I needed to be a bit more mature! Its so weird for a WC game. but great
People, please look at the Tech Support and Files sections of the CIC. There's a full rundown of how to get the game running in DOSbox (for the DOS version), as well as several patches for different issues. You need to be prepared to do some reading and experimenting, but afterwards you have a better understanding of your PC plus a darn good game.
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OK I found some help to get the joystick calibrated in Dosbox, however the keyboard throttle has a glitch. When I launch the throttle is on full, but when I use the "-" key to slow down the throttle goes to zero and the "+" key does nothing. Any Idea's BWT got strike commander and wings of glory running Whoopee

What did you do to fix your joystick? Are you just using your numpad +/- keys? Try the ones on the main part of the board too.
As for the throttle I can use the "/" key to get the throttle to max What worked for me was to calibrate the joystick leaving the handle centered. Then exit and modify the dark.cfg file change the value of Joy1 ly abd lx to "0" then take cx and cy and double them for rx and ry
CDROM Location

Londo Mollari wrote:

"Ok finally got the dos version to load, but when I start the game it asks for CD 1 and no matter what I press it doesn't seem to find the disk. Any ideas? When I tried to play the the windows version it crashes when I try to take off from Hermes and I get a Dark.exe error which crashes to desktop"

For the DOS version - check your "dark.cfg" file (open it with notepad) in your directory -- the first line of the file tells you where the game looks for the CD. Check to make sure the CD is in this drive (or you are mounting the CD to this drive).. they have to match up. Fixed my problem at least.. hope it helps :)