Privateer 2 for win95 joystick problem


I just can't cetch a brake with privateer games.

Okay i just re-installed Privateer 2 (deluxe edition for win95/98) and my joystick is not working properly. It will not calerbrate currectly. It is a CH Flightstick Pro. For some reason it doesnt want to center. In windows it works just fine.

Read the JOYSTICK.TXT in the JOYSTICK directory on Disc 1.


I'm having trouble calibrating my joystick. Are there any tricks to get it to calibrate a bit better?
A speed adjustable game card is highly recommended for Privateer 2: The Darkening. To ensure the best possible calibration, follow these steps from the Spaceflight Options Menu (Alt-O while in flight):

1. Hold the joystick in the lower right corner.
2. Click the "CALIBRATE JOYSTICK" button.
3. Move and hold the joystick to the upper left corner.
4. Click exit. Your joystick should be correctly calibrated.

How can I set up the game to use the extra buttons on my joystick?
Unfortunately, the release version of Privateer 2: The Darkening does not support joysticks with more than 2 buttons. There is a patch available that does support the Thrustmaster FCS and Flightstick Pro.

How can I get the trigger to fire with my programmable joystick?
The release version of Privateer 2: The Darkening does not include support for a keyboard button to fire. If your joystick must have the trigger "programmed" to a keyboard key, you will be unable to fire your guns. Consider setting it up as a standard 2 button joystick.

[Edited by Johnl12 on 07-19-2001 at 03:05]