fails md5sum?


Downloaded from
on 1/1/05 @ 0829 Pacific
The filesize indicated near the top of the script isn't right:
filesizes="93459445" vs. 93468289 (actual)
Obviously failed md5.

I'm wondering, is it just that the 'headers' in the script haven't been updated
yet the binary part has? I don't write code (yet), but it seems that if the
file was updated, the correct size of the resulting file should be automatically reflected
in the "filesizes=" line.
-can someone straighten me out?
P.S. I haven't run the script yet since I have this *thing* about running non-debian stuff -especially when the md5 fails :p
is it possible you downloaded it in text mode and it was supposed tobe downloaded in binary mode

you could try replacing \r\n with just \n and see if that fixes it (backup first)
Well shoot
I used wget without any arguments to download.
No idea what \r\n or \n mean.. sorry. Maybe I'm in over
my head!
Thanks though
sounds like a carriage return/newline problem
your downloading client thoguht it needed to replace newline with both cr and linefeed...this caused the file to be a different size....
newb alert

So as not to further tax the server, could someone clue me in on
how to download in this mysterious "binary mode"?
I've tried a few different ways of downloading this file, but each time the
newline characters are being stripped.

wget, Mozilla, Kget, Konki.... they all mangle this thing -what gives?