Priv 2, Dos Version: Joystick problem


I cant get the gray dot to center in the yellow box, I'm using a logitech Wingman Attack. This is the only game I am having trouble calibrating the joystick with. I have tried the previous method of holding the stick bottom right before entering the calib. screen, then push the stick to the upper left then exit, but that gave no different results.

Do you guys know any sort of dos patch that can calibrate joysticks for dos games?

My Privateer 1 works perfectly fine with the Logitech joystick
When you are in the calibration screen on the right there are instructions. Read them. Also in the Pilot Manual on page 5. Your suppose to get the square as small as possible without the ball going outside it. Use the - and + to decrease and increase the dead zone.

[Edited by Johnl12 on 07-23-2001 at 01:54]
I had the same problem with running Dos Priv 2 in win 98.

I think it has something to do with Priv 2 not accepting
position signals beyond a certain spec.

The way around this is to delete the joy1 x/y values in the
Dark.cfg file in the Dark/Priv2 directory then restart
Priv 2.

Select the joystick/throttle etc in options but don't calibrate, then exit Priv 2 and open the config file, Note the cx and cy values then change your xl/yl values to zero and your xr value to double your cx value and your yr value
to double your cy value.

My joystick was unusable until I did this.

Hope this helps.
