Positive New Australian Review (October 14, 1999)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Sean Tudor over at alt.games.wing-commander posted about a new Australian movie review. It's pretty positive. The beginning is below and you can find the rest of the article here.
Wing Commander passes the screen test with its impressive visuals, says George Soropos.A long time ago, in a bedroom far, far away, PC programmer Chris Roberts began the first part of what was to become a major game series. Over the years, the four-part epic introduced gamers to characters like Maniac, Blair and Admiral Tolwyn, along with some hairy villains called the Kilrathi.Roberts pioneered the use of video "cut scenes" throughout games to create a cinema-like experience and involve players more deeply in the storyline, so it was almost inevitable he would eventually take the adventure to the big screen.

Original update published on October 14, 1999
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