Pilgrim Crosses Shipping Tuesday (September 4, 1999)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
We've gotten multiple confirmations that Tuscany Trading has received their Pilgrim Crosses on schedule and will be shipping them Tuesday. Apparently the only people whose orders were cancelled were those that did not email Tuscany recently to confirm their order. From Brian Fasano:
Everybody who has ordered one of these has been waiting a long time. United Cutlery greatly mis-estimated when they would be receiving these. To make matters worse, they continued to give erroneous delivery dates on almost a daily basis. Fortunately, we received word yesterday that they have arrived and are actually on their way to us. We will receive them next week and get them out as soon as possible.
From KrisV:
Good news! They're here! We'll be boxing them up this weekend and shipping them out on Tuesday since Monday is a holiday.

Original update published on September 4, 1999
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