Philosophical exercise:

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Consider the following things heard on the radio the other day:

1) Why isn't the word "phonetic" spelled like it sounds?

2) Why is the word "abbreviation" one of the longest commonly-used words in the Eng. language?...

If you've successfully answered these questions, you may return to the WC universe, confident that your command capabilities have been successfully tested.
Those sound like something George Carlin would say.

Stuff like:

Who was the idiot who put the letter "s" in "lisp"

If you eat pasta, and then eat some antipasta, are you still hungry?
Originally posted by Ladiesman^
Those sound like something George Carlin would say.

Stuff like:

Who was the idiot who put the letter "s" in "lisp"

If you eat pasta, and then eat some antipasta, are you still hungry?

how much pasta is that?
1. Cause its the english language. Nothing is easy.

2. So you know why we abbreviate things in the first place.
First off, its spelled Antepasta, with an E.

Secondly, this is a very stupid thread. Im counting down to its magnificent closing. :p
No it won't it is very interesting
1. English is an extremely complex language because it is part romance and part germanic. According to Grimm's translation tables what was a p in latin becomes an f in german/ part of english: example. since I do not know latin I will use french, pere in french means father in english. the brothers grimm created a whole table of what letters switched to and found that those laws between latin and german were constant. So when the latin based french was combined with the german based old english the rules for translation and transcription of letters within words got screwed up. so that is why phonetic is spelled phonetic. another reason is that ph always creates the sound of f so in fact it is pronounced the way it is spelled.
2. because some crazy guy decided to make a little joke on the world (which is my working hypothesis on religion, it is all a big joke that some guy in sumeria created to get people to give him money and then it just kind of spred)
Religions seem to often be based on a compalation of mythical tales [short or long] and then given a set of cultural rules and taboos. Seeing these tales rarely if ever seem to all be written by a single author I can't help but think your theory about religon need amending. It was a slew of crazy people who played a joke on the world ;) .
Originally posted by Ladiesman^

If you eat pasta, and then eat some antipasta, are you still hungry?
Originally posted by LeHah
First off, its spelled Antepasta, with an E.
Ahem LeHah!! Please insert your biography next time, so we can know which part of your family is of Italian origin... :p

But the correct term is "Antipasto", plural "Antipasti"... it's what you English/American people call hors d'oeuvre (wow, sounds really like English :) )...

"Antipasto" is what comes before the "pasto", i.e. the "meal"...

But I still got the joke, Ladiesman^... :) Just don't try to pull it out in front of an Italian... ;-)
Don't blame Ladiesman', LeHah. Blame George Corwin or whateverhisnameis.

Other topics of discussion:

1. What is the difference between a donut and a doughnut?
2. British English: o before u except after a,e,i?
3. JFK: lone gunman or grassy knoll?
4. Elvis: That's the way it is?
5. Sausages: patties or links?
6. WAR! What is it good for?
7. Don't you want Somebody to Love?
8. If a tree falls, and nobody's around, and it falls on a mime, does anybody care?
1- gh
2- Urr what was the question?
3- my money's on the grassy knoll
4- [see #2]
6-Several things, as horrific as it is , it helps in dealing with the world's overpopulation, and tends to rapidly advance technology to name a few.
7- Yes
8- The mime does
I stand corrected, MP. I'm not Italian at all, I'm Irish and Austrian. I was bred to drink beer. :)
"A flute without holes, is not a flute. And a doughnut without a hole, is a danish."

(Gawd, how I love the philosphical impact of CADDYSHACK.) :)

In other news....

Why do we drive on a parkway, but park on a driveway?
Where's the 'w' in ONE? Down in TWO where we don't need it.
What is pre-boarding? Getting on the plane before we get on...?
What's with getting ON the plane? I'm getting IN the plane...less wind.
Why are apartments all stuck together?
Why are there toll booths on a freeway?

And my personal fave:

If 'pro' is the opposite of 'con', and PROGRESS means "steady improvement, as of a society or civilization", then what exactly is CONGRESS?
Originally posted by OriginalPhoenix
[BWhere's the 'w' in ONE? Down in TWO where we don't need it.[/B]
Please don't go there! Other words that spring to mind are eight, queue and leicester (pronounced lester).

In other news: What happened to the first six ups?
So a prize that has a Toll bridge as first prize is a Tollwin (tolwyn)

Sorry, Going to get drunk so I can be more sane :)


But can someone tell me Please why a lot of the names in WC are welsh? Was Chris Roberts Welsh?
Erm, since when a Roberts been thought of as a Welsh name?

And the only Welsh name I can think of in WC is the really obvious one, Mr Rhys-Davies.

Damn, forgot about Caenarvon (sp?)
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