Pet Sharks!?


Did anyone ever hear of someone in thier neighborhood having a pet BULL SHARK!?

I didn't either until I started looking online for some fish to add to my tank and saw this website...

A further search into this revealed that some... pet shops actually sell Bull Sharks as pets because they can live in fresh water. I've never seen or heard of this but aparently some people keep them in large swimming pools... remind me never to go pool hopping again...
At one point I was seriously considering constructing a 10,000 gallon shark tank and getting a Bull Shark. I discarded those plans long ago. I'd have to have a separate set of tanks just to breed "food" for the shark. I like big aquariums though and sharks have always been the coolest exhibits for me. BTW, real bull sharks will cost you around $1000 unless you live along or near the coast. Also maintaining a salt water tank for your shark can be very intensive and costly...
Maj.Striker said:
Also maintaining a salt water tank for your shark can be very intensive and costly...

I know, I have a saltwater tank with one of the most beautiful fish in it; A black, Volitan Lionfish... damn thing stung me twice since i got it a few years ago, but i think it got the point of "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" as it stopped trying to attack me when I put food in.
Bull sharks are very aggressive, so they can go into freshwater as a result. Also keeping them would be costly. Anyways, sharks are cool creatures and I rather keep one than a rabbit.
I've heard that they've found Bull sharks 100 miles up the Mississippi, from the Gulf. There's also a story floating around that the story for Jaws was originally inspired by a Bull shark attack on some kids in a fresh water river back at the end of the 1800s, or maybe the very early 1900s.
Ptarmigan said:
Bull sharks are very aggressive, so they can go into freshwater as a result. Also keeping them would be costly. Anyways, sharks are cool creatures and I rather keep one than a rabbit.

They can but its not very healthy for them and if you placed them in a fresh water tank it's more than likely they will die or their life span will be significantly reduced. After shelling out $1000ish for a shark I don't think you'd want it to up and die on you. :)