P2 Deluxe win9x is still a Topseller!


Rear Admiral
I don't know how many people buy at http://www.starvector.com :), but I just noticed that the Privateer 2 Deluxe Edition for win9x is listed on place 2 (TWO) of their top sellers!!! :eek:
They offer it for $42.77 without shipping...
That's true, StarVector *does* suck -- the StarVector guy was the one who *invented* the concept of price-gouging for Kilrathi Sagases...
"Sagases" LOAF? :D... I know seeing people correct spelling mistakes is annoying, but... "sagases"... :p LOL
Originally posted by Earthworm
$43? That's way too much, you can get it much cheaper on e-bay... plus Starvector sucks.

Indeed, I bought it a few weeks ago (for $39.77):(, and neither did I receive the promised "mail when it is shipped" nor did I receive the game even though it was reported to be "in stock" :mad:

But (as I mentioned earlier is some other threads) Germans are not allowed to bid at most auctions (and after all, I did not find so much auctions that offer the win9x version of P2), and so finally I had no "better" option but to buy it there...
Actually you can get it from Starvector for $24.95 I think it is... in theory anyway. He promises to match any other prices online, and CDACCESS do P2 Deluxe for $25 (I think its 25 - something like that anyway). So I wrote to Starvector and he said he'd match that price.

That's "in theory" though, because like you mentioned Jochen, although its listed as in stock - it isn't, and methinks it never will be again !

Oh well, it was worth a try.