Overall: C+

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I just finished watching Outlander, and I was entertained. I would say it would be a great Sci-Fi Channel movie.

The graphics arnt great, but what can you expect from a low budget movie. C

The story was good, but predictable. C+

The acting I thought was the strongpoint of the movie. B

Overall: C+

Id totaly recomend renting it on netflix. I'll personally be buying it on blue ray if its available, just because i love this genre. I wouldn't recomend anybody spending 10 bucks on a movie theater ticket to see it though.

I do have one big complaint about the movie....And ill try not to spoil it for everybody but...cmon...the caves when they crawl down the well....whats that suppose to be, a dormant magma chamber or something? The movie was good till you got to that 'location'.
Yeah, the magma pretty much made no sense. At all.

On the bright side, the friend I watched it with said the portrayal of the Vikings was very accurate, which is rare. A lot of movies don't do a whole lot of research.
The vikings weren't bad, armour wasn't too far off and most of the weapons were at least close...well except for the stone clubs Ron Pearlman used and the double bitted axe and the weapons the made out of the scrap from the ship...but other than that I would at least give it a A for effort.