Origin Engages Manual Override (August 25, 2023)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
Did you know that Privateer 2 has two very different sets of manuals? The game had an internally tempestuous release and one side effect of that was that Origin's creative services group completely reworked all of the packaging for the US release.

I thought it would be fun to look at the changes in the introductory letter. And right off the bat you can see it's a lot more than removing the "u"s from the "colours". They even change the name of the writer... flirty Jessica Montpellier becomes straight-laced Ian Esperanto!

Anyway I did a quick diff on the text and here are the results. And my question for readers is: did any of these changes make things better? It sure feels like a lot of change for the sake of change!

Original update published on August 25, 2023
I'll take the original manuals every time. How can you prefer the US release to this?


(We really should have individual downloads for the PDFs. Having to download them, then unzip them is such a hassle compared to viewing them in-browser).
(We really should have individual downloads for the PDFs. Having to download them, then unzip them is such a hassle compared to viewing them in-browser).
Woah, woah, slow your roll, way to rub your fancy ISDN line in our dial up faces. (You should see how many files people send us as .rars that I recompress into .zips before posting)