Ooh...Pweety Space Ship!


I think you people are missing the point. What I mean is that the VEGA kinda looks like the PIRANHA. There, is that clear enough?

I'm sorry, but I don't have much experience with clear communication. -_-

BTW: TA music rocks. :thumbsup:
And unfortunetly, drive problems means that it's the only place I can listen to it... :(

I can certainly see (well, hear) a strong influence from John Williams (I think...)
Originally posted by Zor Prime
TA Rocks!!!! How about a WC mod for TA?

Well, a while back, i thought maybe i should make TA WC units...
Whaddaya think? should I?
i would have 2 balance the time out with the WCFA mod at the moment...
Yoiuy have my vote too...as long as it wouldn't interfere too much and require Core Contingency, which the TA CD I picke dup last week for 5 bucks doesn't include.

Then again, if I need any impulse to go out and buy the expansion, this would be it...
the carrier would be the connie and the enemy one, not shure. but the unit u start off with (commander), not shure... help me out here. not a carrier... something else...
I just hope it'd be WC4 or somethin'. All the mods are using Prophecy!

or maybe it's just me...prolly...
Originally posted by Newcommanderondablock
the carrier would be the connie and the enemy one, not shure. but the unit u start off with (commander), not shure... help me out here. not a carrier... something else...

maybe... or i could start off with a constuction fighter? (note: must have commander die end off)

BTW, not all mods r using WCP. this one will have all units from all games. 3 sides = Confed, Kilrathi and Nephilem. maybe steltek in missions (if possible)
well... maybe, but...
1. how will it extract resourses?
2. may be a bit too big...
3. Maybe you cold start off with a fighter(construction modified) and use that?