Observations with Pre 1.0


What a vast improvement with the this version over the 9b! I'm thankful I'm getting to test it out and use it before the official release. It is so much better than the 9b. It has also resolved my music volume control issue. But I've noticed a few thing that I wanted to bring to the dev's attention.

The initial loading of the game takes longer when you start Priv remake. In 9b, getting the scene of the landing pad was quick, no delay. But now, there is a delay of at least 10 seconds after I see 'Thrust018.png' in the bottom left corner before I see the landing pad. I'm not sure if this is expected.

Mission are much sparcer. There is only one of each In-system missions. In 9b, there were 2-4 in each category. I like it better this way, but extreme compared to before.


'r' brings up the damage report. But I've only seen the hull damage. Does it really display all component damage if you get beaten up?

When fail a mission and respawn or reload a game where you have already accepted a mission, the mission is no longer there. I guess this makes sense since obviously the mission was failed.

Trying to test:

I haven't been able to test the talon armor yet. It looked like the once I ran into actually had less shield (2 bars instead of 3). So, I couldn't tell if the armour was less. I'll have to test it out further.
excellent glad you noticed all the improvements....

as for taking longer to load: you probably selected 1 GB of ram...and that's fantastic: it loads *all* fighter ships in the game before you start
so that when you encounter them for the first time, it'll only take miliseconds to load (that's the hope at least)
what do you think
Yes, I did choose the 1 gig of ram. And I don't notice any lag in ship construction in space with 1.0. But then again, I didn't notice any lag in the 9b even though I chose 1 gig of ram for it as well.

Also, I read here that the number in the upper right corner is the frame rate. That does not seem right. My numbers are in the 3 hurdreds (can't say for sure since it changes constantly). I do have a Ati radeon 9800, but still.
On Vega Strike? That's ALL? The frame rate given is a "virtual" frame rate. Actual speed is limited in the game, it simply refreshes quicker for "smoother" animation. Still...with a Radeon 9800 and a gig of RAM, I'm surprised you're not turning higher.
depends on resolution, and weather or not it's in a window.
that can throw fps wildly from 80 to 600.

though i run in a window, and that seems to lock mine at the refresh rate.
so my fps never leaves ~85.

I thought maybe it was because I had all the 3d stuff like aa off for another game, but with everything turned up, I'm getting the same frame rate. 3 hundred something. I'm using full screen. and 1024 x 768 or whatever. Is there any way to get rid of this number? Kinda annoying.
My system froze up just a second when the game was materializing a Talon pirate, which was part of a random mission. I show up at the location, but he is not there. I wait around and press a few buttons, and then my system just froze for just a second before the battle ensued. So, even though you're loading all those models, it may not be working. With 9b, I didn't notice anything like this. It could have been just my system. I'll keep my eyes peeled for further occurences of this.

Other than that, I'm having a blast.