Novel covers

Quarto said:

As for Freedom Flight, I'll worry about the Kilrathi ship after I figure out where they got the weird Terran cockpit from

hmm, i have the novel here infront of me, but haven't read it yet (thank sivar for the the hollydays ey
) anywho, it might be the cockpit/bridge of the Bonny heather...?just a thought

When I'm in the air...
I'm indestructible.
No one can stop me...
But they try.
Realy WC fans support the WCESCRP
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Read the WC4 novel. Don't listen to this yahoo.
No offense.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
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Grrr, I'm sick and tired of people complaining about Blair being out of character in the novels. Blair doesn't *HAVE* a character in the games, people, he's you -- you choose what he does. He's a blank slate.
I'm just sick of people saying "don't read/play/buy [product x]!!" Even I, though I hate Priv2 with a passion, still tell people that they should buy it to see for themselves.
Just because you didn't like the book, doesn't mean everyone else will.

[This message has been edited by Quarto (edited July 05, 2000).]
It always pisses me off when people say stuff like, " This book sucks!!! Don't waste your money! If you buy it, throw it in the garbage without even reading it! My opinion's all that matters!"

Well, LOAF, Blair can be out of character, even if he doesn't have one. If someone writes Blair as a crack smoking, hooker killing, devil worshipper, then that's definitely not our Chris Blair

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
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We understand. Just razzing you a bit.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
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If someone writes Blair as a crack smoking, hooker killing, devil worshipper, then that's definitely not our Chris Blair .

That's definetly not our Chris Blair. That's a much cooler Blair

Just imagine this fictional conversation in Wc3:

-Maniac: I bet you stay up late at night just polishing it.
*Blair's choices:
-say: "no, I have majors who do that for me."
-Ritually cut out his heart and offer it to the Horned One in a paganistic ceremony on the flight deck where the entire female crew are dancing around naked, intoxicated and as high as a the empire state building

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
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You're sick, man.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
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Hey! You don't know what Blair did when he was alone. For all we know, he's a pot smoking, crack-whore.


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
You are in no way entitled to any WC games, if you don't have them its your own damn fault.
Thanks, guys! and quit roasting Blair...
though I like mine well-done (as in cockpit fried!)
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TC said:
Hey! You don't know what Blair did when he was alone. For all we know, he's a pot smoking, crack-whore.

Yarg... I'm having a... mental picture...

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
Bandit LOAF said:
Grrr, I'm sick and tired of people complaining about Blair being out of character in the novels. Blair doesn't *HAVE* a character in the games, people, he's you -- you choose what he does. He's a blank slate.

I've got to diagree with you on this one. I think in WC1 he was a blank slate. After that he definitely had certain personality traits. Granted in WC3 and particularly in WCIV you could play around with his charcter (I liked the consquences of choosing needels violence over expediency), he still had definite traits.

I disagree also with whoever said he was out of charcter in WCIV. I think this was the most human Christopher Blair. I liked the little touches like him being out of shape, being unable to avoid a divorce, etc.