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Well typical of this film in Nova Scotia, the showing went off with LITTLE notice to anyone.
I am sure like others many missed the chance to see it on the big screen.
Thanks again to the geniuses at Alliance.
Well, I put a message up with as much notice as I had here on the message board. I was out of town so I didn't get an update out on the front page till tuesday. Still, I wasn't officially in the loop so to speak, so I feel for you if you missed it.
I have to admit, I was really annoyed to have missed this at the cinema in the UK as well, though I have no idea how many screens it was on. I read about Outlander coming out, and was looking forward to hopefully seeing it at the cinema, and before I realise, it turns out it's been and gone, and I'll have to wait for the DVD/Blu Ray.

I very VERY rarely blind-buy films, but I was intrigued enough by Outlander to get the region 1 DVD, and was seriously impressed with how good it was. Definitely better than all the recent cinema blockbusters! Next thing I know, I've got the soundtrack, and just waiting for the British Blu Ray release to arrive in my mail. :D

I know it's a slim chance, but was there a novelisation and/or making-of/design book released in conjunction with the film?
I know it's a slim chance, but was there a novelisation and/or making-of/design book released in conjunction with the film?

I don't think anything like that was ever worked on, though all the years of antics and strugle to get the thing made would probably make a pretty interesting read, and the would have a lot of pretty artwork to go along with it as well...
One thing that occurred to me, that would be good... Is a downloadable DVD image for fans to burn, just containing the making-of/interviews that aren't included on the proper DVD/Blu Ray. :)

I'd love to have had a bash at writing the novelisation for Outlander, and included all the deleted stuff. (I'm sort of a struggling SF writer myself :D!)

As for a book about the production/making-of, something could be put together and sold through places like Lulu, that print-off on demand?(Or short print runs) Heck, I'd be willing to put that together :D! I mean, okay, it might not sell hugely, but it'd be a nice extra for fans to be able to get hold of. There must be a wealth of production design work that could go into something like that, from all the spaceship and creature designs, to the Viking village and clothing and weapons, and construction of the sets, etc.