Newbie questions


Red Dog

Hi gang, sorry for the newbie questions but I'm fairly new to all this backwards emulation stuff. Ok, here goes:

1) I have WC3, classics version and I have it running really nicely under dosbox 0.63 - my machine is a P4 3GHz with hyper threading and I run it full-screen with 30,000 cycles and a dynamic core. The sound and video are fantastic (you get the occasional "pop" on the audio track but no skipping or stuttering) but dosbox just quits at random intervals during the training missions. Has anyone found a resolution for this? I can post my dosbox setup if it helps.

2) I've located a good copy of WCP but it's not the gold edition - i.e. no secret ops stuff. Is there a way to acquire the secret ops content separately?

Thanks for your help!
Red Dog
re 1) It might be the dynamic core. While a whole lot faster it is not 100% stable.

re 2) No. Not legally. You can only download Episode 1/the demo.
1) Ok, I'll switch that back to normal and see how it fares - I wondered if turning down the graphic complexity (fades etc) would help?

2) So the only way to get it is to get a Gold edition right?
Yeah, turning down the resolution and a bunch of graphical effects will decrease the demand on the system. You only would turn on the dynamic core option because the normal core doesn't play the game smoothly enough, so do that if appropriate.