New Wing Commander Game?

I'm thinking alternate storyline of Confed VS Borderworlds.


A prequel BEFORE WC1. Maybe even before the Terran-Kat War...
Why not a game like Rebel Assault?

You have flying missions and marine missions. It'd be like playing Wing Commander and then Doom

Uhh, I hope you mean only in the sense that there was shooting and flying in one game. Because the "on rails" part of Rebel Assault has always really really bugged me.

As far as a space sim/FPS hybrid, that's been a fan dream for a long time.I'm sure some degree of freedom on your character would be neat but I'm not so sure everyone will like the transition between FPS and flying. (Give the HL2 mod Eternal Silence a shot if people are still playing it).
I don't think it's that great an idea. You should definitely be able to walk around parts of your carrier and talk to people from a first person perspective, but as cool as shooting down three dozen fighters before landing on the enemy carrier and taking on the crew all by yourself was in Battlefront II, it wouldn't really make any sense in a WC game no matter how you present it.

A 'special' FPS sequence where you would have to help defend your carrier from Kilrathi/Nephilim/human-people-fascist-guys boarding parties or something could be cool, but I don't think the game should revolve around it.
I'm thinking alternate storyline of Confed VS Borderworlds.


A prequel BEFORE WC1. Maybe even before the Terran-Kat War...

Humanity hadn't fought a war in 400 (?) years before the T-K War. If I'm remembering correctly it was against the Yan? So a prequel set before 2639 wouldn't work.
Thinking a way to make wc mmo, i was thinking on lotro. I dont know if anyone has played this mmo, but it has quite a neat feature, where you have sp missions and mp missions and it all depends on where you are on the world and on the storyline. This way you can start on a carrier and have some storyline missions, which require you form a squad of lets say 5 people, then you get normal missions which you can fly alone, npc or other people, and so on.
Technically, Pilgrim and Kilrathi wars overlap - Pilgrim war is 2631 - 2635 while first contact with Kilrathi is in 2629, and results in long series of skirmishes untill the first major batlle, the first battle of McAuliffe in 2634 (from S*S timeline)... but it is still before 2639 of course
(Sorry for bad english)

If its free to dream :

I hope a game wich learn me more about kilrathis. There is a lot to say about them. I d like to fly again on Kilrah, over a big city, like in the wc3 opening. That would be a prequel : secret ops with Angel ?

I also like to start a game with Blair not dead, waking up in the middle of nowhere, but in nephelim space. He will fly his damaged ship trying to escape a gigantic Nephilims armada, until some kilrathi resistance found him. And together, trying to fight Nephilim and contact the confed.
Start with very few equippement, like the old pirate base in "I-war 2", and finish back in the Midway.
Humanity hadn't fought a war in 400 (?) years before the T-K War. If I'm remembering correctly it was against the Yan? So a prequel set before 2639 wouldn't work.

In WC1 the war was already going on for a longer time; So you could play the early missions of the tiger's claw. The Mcauliffe ambush, flying the scimitar while it was still young, and the hornet and the old rapier. possibly some early hellcats. See the early stages of the war developing.

If you make it through the losing path; you'll take your helmet off and turn out to be Shotglass, if you make the winning path you'll turn out to be Paladin :D
It was the top space-only fighter yes, however Senator (I'm spacing his name!) prevented much needed upgrades from being done because his district lost the contract.

The new Corsair was being rushed into production at the very end of AS to replace the Wildcat. that never got boring!

Battlefront actually got boring for me...mostly because the 2 people I played against were kind of gaming rookies and I consistently beat them both (2v1). I typically had to play poorly to give them a chance...which made the game get old very quick.
I'm going to be honest, I'm not terribly interested in following the Nephilim conflict any further than we have. They're simply not as compelling as the Kilrathi. For being an alien race of cat-like people, they had a very human element that allowed you to relate to them a little, and even admire them for certain aspects of their culture and mindset. That made them more interesting to fight.

The bugs are just a mindless horde, and I think that gets way overdone in a lot of sci-fi.

All of that to say this: I think a game based on the early war would be awesome. Delve deeper into the older technology, and the "World War II . . . IN SPACE" feel, and develop some really solid characters and storyline. Maybe add a non-combat first-or-third person element, such as walking around on your carrier/base/whatever, and interacting with other characters that way. Add modern concepts like customizing your character, choosing a name or callsign, etc etc.

That seems like a solid way to go, in my mind.
Really, I'll take Wing Commander any way I can. That said, I think multi player modes are here to stay, so it should definitely incorporate them - intelligently - into the story to appeal to a wider fan base.

I posted on this before, but simply put, a small co-op campaign could actually be quite compelling. The trick would be to have the campaign accessible for those players who only wish to play by themselves as well. You would scale certain factors like number of enemies, or simply have certain flights/missions that would be eligible to accept human players (i.e. me and my buddy are in the same flight, or perhaps we each lead different flights on the same mission.)

I think that, despite what we sometimes read on the internet, serious gamers still like a compelling story - it's human. Wing Commander should therefore stay true to great storytelling, which it did so well, while pushing the boundaries on what is possible with multiplayer gaming. Wait... pushing the technical limits of technology? I think that's something else Wing Commander did so well... :D
I agree that insectile hordes seem to rather clichéd, however, since it's been started, I personally would like to see the Nephilim story arc finished and finished well. But I'll probably take whatever new WC happens to come out whether it's related to the Nephilim story or not.
Considering what we learned in Arena, the Nephilim are something of an elephant in the room - ignoring them would be pretty awkward. But that's only a problem if the next WC game tries to continue the story of the universe into the future. I get the feeling a game with the Kilrathi, either a prequel or a remake of the original, is the more likely option. I mean, if you're gonna revive a brand, you gotta bring it back with everything that people remembered, not with a bunch of new stuff - that's why Arena, even though it took place in the future, made such extensive use of old ships and only mentioned the Nephilim in the game manual.
I posted on this before, but simply put, a small co-op campaign could actually be quite compelling. The trick would be to have the campaign accessible for those players who only wish to play by themselves as well. You would scale certain factors like number of enemies, or simply have certain flights/missions that would be eligible to accept human players (i.e. me and my buddy are in the same flight, or perhaps we each lead different flights on the same mission.)

And there you present the problem; Someone also has to play the bad guy as well, how many of you play as kilrathi in Arena? Flying against AI gets old pretty quick!

Wing commander in multiplayer could work, but would need a lot of balancing;
I probably speculated on this before, but here is how WC Multiplayer could work IMHO.

You sign on to a carrier(be it confed/kilrathi/whatever), there is a flight roster, from where you can pick a mission(patrol, exploration, whatever), like in Armada, your carrier(to which there is a CAG, and a replacement CAG etc, who manages the ship in an armada-like way) is flying in a warzone. Besides pushing the enemy back, there is a combined effort to keep the ship working and being able to fly off of it. Your mission could be flying a freighter down to a planet you are excevating for a recource. escorting these freighters, or scouting for new "spice", privateers could trade goods between carriers.

Now here comes the interesting part, your team needs to keep the carrier operational, and up and running, so what would happen if you encountered another friendly carrier that is also after your recources, would you meet up and share them, or go pirate and raid them? you could be able to defect as well!

And the resources add something else of interest: Say you are low on personell/resources, that would mean that the Rapier you crashlanded into the recovery deck, with depleted afterburners, all it's wiring hanging out and serious battledamage, would be taken into battle AGAIN by you in that very state, since you do not have the resources to refuel or repair it anyway.

And when you die, you die, you get a nice funeral provided by your buddies and the CAG, no resurection, you'll need to sign on under a new name and start from scratch. (And if you are offline and your carrier gets destroyed, your character dies with it).

Ofcourse you will need a lot of players for something like this, and it needs to be available and playable for consoles and PC systems alike.
I'm going to be honest, I'm not terribly interested in following the Nephilim conflict any further than we have. They're simply not as compelling as the Kilrathi. For being an alien race of cat-like people, they had a very human element that allowed you to relate to them a little, and even admire them for certain aspects of their culture and mindset. That made them more interesting to fight.

Which developed over years in a number of games and books.

The bugs are just a mindless horde, and I think that gets way overdone in a lot of sci-fi.

We're pretty much in the same place with the Nephilim as we were with the Kilrathi after WC1. Just because they look somewhat insect based doesn't make them a mindless horde. Even from what little we know, they have different castes and roles and culture that we've only seen the beginnings of.