New WG Movie

I liked the movie, but IMO it just wasn't up to par with the games. Prinze wasn't a good actor (though he kind of fit the part, being a massive tool) and the production design aestetic, while bold, turned a lot of people off, myself included.

If anybody has a link to more info on this supposed "original WC5 script" that doesn't entail me finding, downloading and installing Acrobat (I am boycotting it because it's toally un-need, especially for text-only, and it's just plain too big and takes too much time to load/ect), I'd be happy to see it.
If anybody has a link to more info on this supposed "original WC5 script" that doesn't entail me finding, downloading and installing Acrobat (I am boycotting it because it's toally un-need, especially for text-only, and it's just plain too big and takes too much time to load/ect), I'd be happy to see it.

In defense of Acrobat, I scanned several thousand pages of old scripts and such for our archive last year... and converting them into PDFs was the most effective way to get them online quickly and legibly. It's also very good for archival purposes -- you can present paper documents exactly as they originally looked (margin notes and all).

The 'original WC5 script' is at . It was done by a fan after Wing Commander IV and submitted to Origin unsolicited.

Years later the same fan showed up and pitched it to the Aces Club as the 'real' Prophecy script. It was a stupid situation.It's not well written, and it's almost entirely 'fanboy' stuff -- things written with no consideration for a larger audience or feasability in game design.

(It is in PDF format.)