New Saga Rapier!


Vice Admiral
We're making steady progress, and it's unbelievable watching everything coming together. With our last big review of the game, we picked up some real solid forward momentum. Still, sometimes it feels like we're taking two steps forward and one, two or even three steps back. That's really starting to taper off, though.

We have new media to share. This time we would like to showcase Klav's rendition of the Rapier medium fighter. The screenshots are from the tech room, you'll be seeing more as we continue pushing out media. So, basically, you can consider those shots an appetizer.

Good work, Klav!

Will we get a chance to fly the Rapier in the main campaign or will it be an NPC ship?
Very nice looking!

I assume that anything new that we see will be released with the final version, as opposed to additional releases that could be used with the prologue?
Awesome Rapier! Really pretty.

I wish someone made a Mod with some Excaliburs in it, ehehehe. We could get more Excali Love. ;)

That Rapier is breathtaking, the best one to date. I have to admit I have a stomach-heaving adverse reaction to the awful humpbacked Super Wing Commander / Arena version. This is so, so much greater. Very good for you sir, well done!

You're an idiot.

To explain: this 'too cool for school' attitude is insidious. If the only way you can complement Saga is by insulting actual Wing Commander, don't bother - it's all variations of wrong. You're attacking what Saga, what the CIC, what everyone else here has worked so hard for - just so you can seem 'cool'. It doesn't give you any sort of street cred, and it's a sickly attitude that won't fly here.
The rapier looks great! personally I didn't have anything against the SWC version of the rapier but I'm glad to see the hump design could be improved.
You're an idiot.

To explain: this 'too cool for school' attitude is insidious. If the only way you can complement Saga is by insulting actual Wing Commander, don't bother - it's all variations of wrong. You're attacking what Saga, what the CIC, what everyone else here has worked so hard for - just so you can seem 'cool'. It doesn't give you any sort of street cred, and it's a sickly attitude that won't fly here.

Ouch...careful....perhaps you're insulting fans.....
I think LOAF carefully got the intended point across (and then explained it in detail).

You should also log into your account before you post, Sheldon.
I have nothing to do with Saga or anyother 'group'.... I'm just your everyday avid WC fan who wishes to post without fear of retribution or attack (especially concerning such a comment as above) and the ability to post freely and express ones opinion regarding aspects of WC without being called an idiot.... ;)

Not another 'idiot' poster

I apologise to anyone my above post caused offence to.

Let it be noted, however, that I think the response was a little overbearing.
Oh, look, a snarky anonymous comment, and on the Saga board. What are the odds?

Just talked to my bookie in Vegas and he said bet the whole farm on it.

And to "not another idiot poster," if you can't log in to say what you have to say than don't say it at all. being a coward and an idiot aren't the same thing.
Man that rapier looks good :) you fellas going to add it to your online database soon? Kind of curious what armaments you guys are loading on that baby.
Let it be noted, however, that I think the response was a little overbearing.

It absolutely was not, you deserved a lot worse for this crap.

And to "not another idiot poster," if you can't log in to say what you have to say than don't say it at all. being a coward and an idiot aren't the same thing.

They are in this case, though.

Anyone who thinks they've come up with some amazing philosophy about how they should be allowed to be a jackass at the forums should probably go somewhere else.