New custom mission released!

Kevin Caccamo

Rear Admiral
I have promised you that a new custom mission would coming out soon, and here it is! I have logged many, many flight hours playtesting, troubleshooting and revising this mission for people who enjoy playing this standalone mod for Freespace 2.

In your Rapier II, you will hunt down a convoy carrying vital supplies for another Kilrathi capship in this system. But, is the convoy you are hunting down really just a convoy? Play it and find out.

Download it here.

To install it, place SWCRapier.vp in your main WC Saga Prologue folder. Then place Convoy Intercept.fs2 in your data/missions folder.

Hopefully, this mission is bugless and will inspire more people to use FRED to create their own custom missions for WC Saga.
Great mission... I really liked it...

In the end, I was the only one comming home, hehe

But, I think I found a bug... The sides/back view don't work

When you try to look anywhere but fw, you see the text above saying left/right/back view, but you're still loocking forward, only without the hud

Can you check this out?
Yes, I've noticed it too. Also, may I recommend to assign bump.wav to all transmissions?

Is it just me, or is the mission a bit too hard? I'd make a wingman or two invulnerable - having to fight 12 fighters and 3 capships without any support is a bit of an overkill. :)
I know... It took me 20 min to get it in one try and I was the last one left alive

I got some 20 kills in there, ran out of missiles and AB fuel...

This little ship is a tank hehe

I also had to take out the 1st cap ships alone, because none of the bombers did anything... Only the 2nd wave of bombers worked, and tagged the last little surprise you sent...

Also, I had a flash back to Homeworld on the jump animation... The only grafic detail I'd question (and the views)
With wingman as the ones on the 1st wave, it's the same as being alone... hehe

I don't know why this happened, since the 2nd wave managed to fight back
Great mission... I really liked it...

In the end, I was the only one comming home, hehe

But, I think I found a bug... The sides/back view don't work

When you try to look anywhere but fw, you see the text above saying left/right/back view, but you're still loocking forward, only without the hud

Can you check this out?

How do I look sideways? I never knew WC Saga had such a feature.

The Rapier II may feel like a tank because I used the Hellcat's TBL entry as a basic template for the fighter.

EDIT: I just tested it, and the free look view doesn't work. I don't know how to fix that. Is it something to do with eye points in the POF?

EDIT2: I updated the files. The mission has better backgrounds and "bump.wav" for every transmission. You should be able to do a free look with the Rapier now, since I added an eye point.
Talon 1024 at HLP said:
I just updated the download. It now contains a single VP with the mission and the Rapier all in one package. Just unzip the VP to your FS2 folder and you're ready to go. The Rapier also now has high-resolution texture maps, which makes it look a lot better. Don't forget to update your video card drivers so you can see the normal maps. You should also experience better performance because I added LODs and Debris to the Rapier.

Thought I'd let you know...

Oh, you'll also have to update your builds of FS2 Open for the normal maps feature to work. Just put the latest build in your Wing Commander Saga Prologue directory.
Where do you put this updated .vp file? In the Prologue directory? /data/missions?

You just put it in the prologue directory. It won't work if you place it in any subfolder, since the game won't load it.

You also might have to update your video drivers for the normal maps to work, since the effect is created using GLSL shaders. I had to upgrade my video drivers for it to work. If your video card is ATI, you might not have to update your drivers.
Great work!

Just one thing: I would not recommend playing Prologue missions with this EXE. HEAD builds are known to be unstable. It is also possible that certain events will not work. :(
Great work!

Just one thing: I would not recommend playing Prologue missions with this EXE. HEAD builds are known to be unstable. It is also possible that certain events will not work. :(

I've never noticed that, since I've never played the Prologue campaign with any of the HEAD builds. The only bug I can really think of was when I was playing the Raider Wars TBP campaign in that mission where you have to save the corvette.
When I was playing the mission, the game crashed for some reason.

Chrisreid (From news update) said:
If you encounter any technical issues, Kevin's first suggestion is to make sure you have updated graphics drivers.

Not really. That's just if you want the normal maps. :) However, if you find yourself flying a Thunderbolt, then I suggest you erase "ships.tbl" in the data/tables directory OR re-download the mission.
I'm excited to try the mission, but I can't seem to get it to work. I have unzipped the .vp file into the Saga directory, but it does not appear in the campaign select screen.

Any guess as to what I have done wrong? Any help is greatly appreciated!
I'm excited to try the mission, but I can't seem to get it to work. I have unzipped the .vp file into the Saga directory, but it does not appear in the campaign select screen.

Any guess as to what I have done wrong? Any help is greatly appreciated!

To access the mission, go into the mission simulator in the tech room. You also have to select "Single missions" instead of "Campaign missions." The mission is called "Convoy Intercept"