need help


Rear Admiral
I have played and beaten wc4 and wc3 from gog all using a 360 controller, both games suffered from bad deadzone issues, where even after I let go of the stick the ships would still drift badly, I want to buy wing commander 2 and 1 but I dont think I can deal with the controller anymore. another poster on another board said he had no issue with the 360 controller playing wc2, do yall know if this is true,im using joytokey to map buttons. also on a sidenote I dont think anything is wrong with my controller bc wc saga worked flawlessly, and I recently bought dishonored from xbox live for like 4 dollars and it works great too. (by the way if you enjoy the stealth genre, like I do, dishonored is a must buy.)
downloaded and its working fine, and still soo much fun im on mission 6 with 30 kills so far
the only problem im having is sometimes tracking enimes I wish there was a match speed function back in the day if yall had to suggest a speed to stay at what would it be
also one last question how do you get the secret missions, im guessing they installed with wc2 but can you only play them when the game is over or do you have to do a 2nd installation im confused
Just FYI, there is an edit button.:p
the only problem im having is sometimes tracking enimes I wish there was a match speed function back in the day if yall had to suggest a speed to stay at what would it be
I tend to run at max unless I'm tailing, in which case I drop to 400 kps. Just a preference so your mileage may vary.
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im about half way thru the game, I have been able to complete all objectives so far except one, the ace kur. I killed him but had to return to the concordia afterwards bc I was so damaged, sparks was still impressed though for taking him out, as a sidenote I like hobbes as a character but I forgot how bad he was as a wingman. he is always in my way and growling when I accidentally shoot him. fav mission so far even though he is a douche is rescuing stingway.

also I started to think maybe I remembered tolwyn wrong and he wasnt so bad. no I was right he is an asshole to blair so far. tolwyn even goes as far as giving hobbes the credit for saving the space station.

here are the ships Ive flown so far and how I did.

Ferrert- I actually did quite well in these and brought then home 70 percent of the time with very little damage.
Rapier- Love the ship design but I suck with it. I have tried each individual weapon, and full guns and still have a hard time hitting anything. plus does anybody find that the missiles move extremely slow in the game.
Broadsword- I am the best with this ship even though its not my fav to fly, but I routinely take out 4 to 6 cats with it, not counting capships
WC2 is probably my overall favorite of the series. It's cool to see someone's reaction to playing it for the first time! Also, It's interesting too because of you playing it after WC3 and 4 which to some degree color how you view the characters.
WC2 is probably my overall favorite of the series. It's cool to see someone's reaction to playing it for the first time! Also, It's interesting too because of you playing it after WC3 and 4 which to some degree color how you view the characters.

its not the first time I have played wc2. first time I played wc2, I was about 8, but it is however the first time I have played it since I was like 15 or so, im 30 now.

this will be the firs time I have gotten to play the special operations though ever.

update I got up early and played some more, bout to take the kids to see how to train your dragon 2. I think im more excited to see it then they are lol. anyways I did forget how much I love this game, it might take over the spot for wc3.

anyways I know I have flown the epee, and Im pretty sure I flew a sabre on one mission. the level where spirit dies is that a sabre mission?

either way I really like the epee, its super quick and has some good fire power.

Now im back in the rapiers with stingray as my wingman and im doing much better, I just completed what is prob my new fav mission in this game which is take out the 2 transports carrying a 1000 troops each. I died some on this mission but 9/10 times its my fault bc I get too greedy and dont watch the shields/armor enough.
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