Need a little help


Finder of things, Doer of stuff
it was suggested that I ask someone working on standoff if they knew anything about how to, or where to get, extracted audio files from wc4 missions.

The other option I need info on is if anybody knows a good way to record video of the gameplay. Kinda like taking a video screen shot...

I'm currently working on a video project of wc4 and am almost done with the DVD files and now need to get busy on the bits that are missing cause they are in the gameplay.. So far I'm not happy with the result. My screen shot program displays pink wherever a ship has see-through parts. Video would be nice, but I might make do with screenshots... Wave Studio gives me good enough quality audio but recording while you play is poor for editing... the music gets all cut up... if I have the comms by themselves I can add music and sound effects later.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

- AD
1. Download TreX

2. Drag and drop music the music tre files onto the exe. Find out where the program extracted the files :) rename them. Repeat the process with music tre files 2,3 and 4.

Certian musics are the same in each tre file, but if you dont rename the ones that arent when you start on another tre file it will wipe over the last lot you did.

Thanks... But By audio I meant Comm dialogue... I have the music files. I tried the program you suggested anyway and couldn't even extract the music from the tre files. Got a bunch of unreadable files out of gameplay.tre though...
AD said:
Thanks... But By audio I meant Comm dialogue... I have the music files. I tried the program you suggested anyway and couldn't even extract the music from the tre files. Got a bunch of unreadable files out of gameplay.tre though...

Dont know how to extract the comms. :)

You drag the music.tre onto the exe... what happens if you do that....??
and what happened? It should just extract them somewhere. Works fine here. :confused:

EDIT; OH! I see the confusion. I said "I know how to extract the comms" I missed out the word "DONT".

Sorry I only know how to extract the music
