

Rogue Leader
I know names used in WC are generally not exclusive to WC, and I know this has been done a few times before, but what WC related names have you seen in real life?

I just thought of this as I was going home from uni - I keep seeing this parked car which has "TC Enterprises" printed on it. No, that isn't a plug for you, TC. ;)

My Year 12 English teacher's name was Miss Goddard (and that was about the only good thing about her), and I can't believe I never mentioned that I used to play in a tennis team called Halcyon.
Vega's a (used to be?) a US Navy supply ship, as well as a star system. Check out my shipnames list...I've got LOTS more there. :)
I have 2 models of the Fairchild USAF A-10 Thunderbolt II attack plane, a distant ancestor of the WC3 Thunderbolt VII :)
I I have a model of the P-47 T-bolt! Ha! Ha ha! Ha!

Okay, so it's made of paper... ^_^;;;
Yeah, that's nice. Um, try WC names which few others have experienced. That should rule out military names. I'm curious about WC examples like mine that others might have.
I can find many intresting names from Propechy map,
(Za´Ha Duhmn is probably debaded to death), but then there is this system named "Vainio", and in Finland we have couple famous Vainios, first one was a runner Martti Vainio who was caught using doping in 80´s and the other Vainio is a faumous song writer.

Also system named "Tali" was interestin beacuse its name dates back to WW2 at Karelia, small village wich was major battle place in 1944. Particulary this battle was hard beacuse Finns had fewer solders than in Winter war and they had lost their primary defence line.
Secondary line hadn´t been fortified and they have to keep it or russians would get in Finnish mainland in wich case the whole war would be lost. Russians had only for times more soldiers but twenty times more tanks.
Finlands only panzer brigade couterattacked and artiellery
played major role in this battle. I have seen pictures taken form air and russian part of that are was like a picture from moon. Finland won the battle and the battle ensured that Finland didn´t have to surrender and Russian signed peace with Finland beacuse they needed their troops aganst Nazi Germany.
And if Pilgrim Truth ever gets published, there'll be a Tiger's Claw pilot named Loaf, too...
There was a person in the WCM novel named Justin (like me) but thats none-too-flattering since he

A.) Wasn't a pilot, merely a techie :(
b.) Had a bad case upset stomach :)

And this is something else I wanted to ask LOAF: Me and a friend were arguing if there was was a TCS MacArthur. I say No (and the one I wrote in a fanfic is mine dammit!) and he sez Yes.

There's no TCS MacArthur spoken of in WC -- just check the shipslist when you have such a problem.

Whats that cloud gathering over-head?

I think it's my amassing stupidity. :)
Originally posted by Rami Sihvo
I can find many intresting names from Propechy map,
(Za´Ha Duhmn is probably debaded to death)...

And if you watch Babylon 5...there's a place called Za'Ha Duhmm...

What about Pilot callsigns?
For instance, WCI was released in 1990 right? Well, the default callsign for Blair aint Maverick? And there's a pilot in Tiger's Claw named Iceman right? Well, the movie Top Gun was released in 1987, so the logical guess would be that they're taken from the movie...
They make reference to Top Gun in one of the Telep novels, the WCM novelization I'm pretty sure.
It's Z'ha'dum.

Blair's name is Maverick due to his rigid adherence to the flight book. It's sarcasm. Roberts may have been making a reference to Top Gun...

"Maverick" was Blair's wartime and Prophecy callsign. His WC4 callsign was "Tiger", short for Heart of The Tiger.
i]Originally posted by Nep Parth [/i]
It's Z'ha'dum.

...His WC4 callsign was "Tiger", short for Heart of The Tiger.

I don't remember do I find this out?
As Blair calls into the Intrepid for the first time in the WC4 novel, he says his callsign is "Heart of the Tiger"... Sosa becomes flustered, asks his name again, he gives it and she calls him "Colonel Heart of the Tiger".

Whatta mouthful.