my personal database

Red Baron

Rear Admiral
The updated ships database inspired me to make some pictures myself. My aim is to make them similar to the database pictures, but use the models from the model archive instead.
Just to make it clear: i did NOT participate in making these models, i just made nice little pictures with them.
Hope this isn't something that was planned for the database anyway, if that's the case just say a word and i'll delete them.

OK then, starting with the Kilrathi ships from Privateer (Note the TWO turrets on the Gothri):


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Hope this isn't something that was planned for the database anyway, if that's the case just say a word and i'll delete them.

No, by all means, lets see more of these! Very cool.
Ok then, now we have the playable ships. I also added another Dralthi, its more detailed but one lascannon is misaligned and i'm too lazy to do anything about it right now.
Interesting sidenote: if you believe the filenames, during development the Centurion was labelled "Fighter", the Galaxy "Merchantman", the Orion "Tug" and the Tarsus appropriately "Clunker".


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say what you will about that clunker, but it sure is nice to have when you are making head on proton torp runs on tight groups of pirate and retro talons :P
I didn't call her Clunker, the developers did. These ARE the original models after all.
That said: The Tarsus IS a clunker :P
Oh and the Orion is a tug.

this is the last batch for now, i'll make some more when i'm back. In the meantime enjoy some wc2 sweetness!


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It certainly flies like a clunker, but i like its design. To be honest, i was much more dissapointed when i got the Orion the first time, it was damn ugly and didn't feel like an improvement at all. And by the time i could afford all the expensive upgrades to make it a decent ship, i went straight to the Galaxy. Or even the Centurion, don't remember.

Edit: damn the Broadsword seems to have some serious rendering errors, i'll revise it when i've done a few more, this probably won't be the only one.


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Yep, the Snakeir (Super Wing Commander), Shiraak (Armada) and Kamekh (Privateer) are pretty much the same model with only slight differences. But that's the case with most of the SWC designs (Gratha-Talon, Tiger's Claw-Lexington, Raptor-Gladius etc.).
That's why i probably won't do the Gladius, Banshee I and some others, they're already covered in the SWC ships section.

Edit: damn, did the shiraak anyway ~~~


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Am I wrong or is the Kamekh in Priv the carrier in Armada minus the Wing?
There is a huge amount of recycling going on between Priv, SWC and Armada (I'm not sure which came first, so I don't know which of them recycles from which; certainly, all of them recycle WC2 stuff). A number of designs are completely recycled - I'll ignore those here, and I'll try to list the designs that recycle parts.

SWC Spikeri (the never-used Kilrathi corvette) - doesn't that hull look... familiar, somehow? Sure does - it's a wingless Sabre :).
SWC Snakeir (Armada Shiraak) - as you point out, it's the Kamekh from Priv without wings. Or maybe the Kamekh from Priv is a Snakeir with wings? Pah...
SWC Scimitar (Armada Banshee) - we all know how this ship is a Scimitar and a Banshee at the same time... but did you notice that front section? The big intakes up front are recycled between this ship, the Armada Phantom, and the Priv Demon. I think the Priv Demon's entire nose section is actually direct from the Phantom, but I wouldn't be sure - either way, the intakes are definitely recycled.
Armada Phantom - that rear... doesn't it look a lot like the Armada Wraith?
SWC Drayman - the round front section is taken from the WC2 Clydesdale.

There may be a few other cases I've forgotten. Some of the recycling (like that Spikeri, and the Snakeir/Kamekh thing) is lame, in that it's purely a cost-cutting measure... but the recycling of the intakes and engines between various fighters is pretty nifty, because it makes sense for the same parts to pop up on different ships. The Drayman sharing design features with the Clydesdale is also neat.
There is a huge amount of recycling going on between Priv, SWC and Armada (I'm not sure which came first, so I don't know which of them recycles from which; certainly, all of them recycle WC2 stuff). A number of designs are completely recycled - I'll ignore those here, and I'll try to list the designs that recycle parts.

That much I knew... just not sure why I missed the Kamekh. Maybe my girl is right, I have been drinking too much lately. :p
There is a huge amount of recycling going on between Priv, SWC and Armada (I'm not sure which came first, so I don't know which of them recycles from which; certainly, all of them recycle WC2 stuff). A number of designs are completely recycled - I'll ignore those here, and I'll try to list the designs that recycle parts.

Some of the Privateer models are probably the oldest among the three, although there was a good amount of overlap between Privateer and Super Wing Commander's development. Everything in Armada came later.

There may be a few other cases I've forgotten. Some of the recycling (like that Spikeri, and the Snakeir/Kamekh thing) is lame, in that it's purely a cost-cutting measure... but the recycling of the intakes and engines between various fighters is pretty nifty, because it makes sense for the same parts to pop up on different ships. The Drayman sharing design features with the Clydesdale is also neat.

I actually like the Snakeir/Kamekh similarities -- it's certainly not the only time the Kilrathi have had different 'sizes' of related warships.

(Also note that the Spikeri doesn't actually appear in Super Wing Commander; it's just a leftover model found in the WC3D package... and we don't know where in the process it was dropped.)
Yep, the Snakeir (Super Wing Commander), Shiraak (Armada) and Kamekh (Privateer) are pretty much the same model with only slight differences. But that's the case with most of the SWC designs (Gratha-Talon, Tiger's Claw-Lexington, Raptor-Gladius etc.).
That's why i probably won't do the Gladius, Banshee I and some others, they're already covered in the SWC ships section.

Edit: damn, did the shiraak anyway ~~~

I only just noticed how much the Sabre looks like a suped-up Hornet. It's silohouette is very very similar.
Interesting. I knew about the obvious ones, but the Sabre thing on the Spikeri is news to me. Thanks.
Next up something you don't see that often, background vehicles from Privateer. They may not be as detailed as the ships, but consider that normally you don't see as much as a few pixels of them, and they still pack a LOT of detail for that.
So, we have the Inlvuil (?), some kind of Space Delorian and a car with a plasmagun(!) mounted on its side.


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Fantastic! Are there any more such background models? They're actually way more interesting than the foreground ships (since we see a lot of those).
Interesting. I knew about the obvious ones, but the Sabre thing on the Spikeri is news to me. Thanks.
Next up something you don't see that often, background vehicles from Privateer. They may not be as detailed as the ships, but consider that normally you don't see as much as a few pixels of them, and they still pack a LOT of detail for that.
So, we have the Inlvuil (?), some kind of Space Delorian and a car with a plasmagun(!) mounted on its side.

SPACE DELORIAN!!! Thats hysterical, and exactly what i was thinking when i got through Privateer the first time.
SPACE DELORIAN!!! Thats hysterical, and exactly what i was thinking when i got through Privateer the first time.

Been a while since last i played it, but i could swear i saw one of them fly, swing the wheels out, land and drive on at one point. Couldn't find that animation in the archive yet though.

As to background models, well there's pretty much every background from Privateer, some from SWC and WC2, all the equipment, there's even a file with guns from Crusader: No Regret/ No Remorse. Dunno how that landed in the archive, maybe they considered to use them in Wing Commander at some point. Or maybe it was just by accident.
Vehicle-wise that was pretty much it, except some utility vehicles and a very low-detail shuttle.
I can really only recommend getting the archive and a program that reads 3ds files. If you don't have 3D Studio, get 3D Exploration (1.5 is for free).


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a car with a plasmagun(!) mounted on its side.

I can see the convenience of such an option, if not available to the world at large.

Some old biddy putting along at like 20 under the posted limit, on a one-lane road? *zot* Jackass cuts you off without so much as even a thought about the turn signal? *kaboom*

Oh, what fun I could have with that setup... :D

On a more serious note, do recall this is the same universe that has a minigun-armed suit of powered armor serving in Security... :p