MODERATORS:Deleted Thread?

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To the Staff / Moderators :

I'm concerned about why the "Americans:Veterans Issues" thread was apparantly deleted from the Off Topic Zone sometime today.

This forum section/area is titled "Off Topic Zone" "Anything at all that you want to talk about!"

In the thread that I initiated, I NEVER abused anyone, I was always tactful and polite. I was always rational, to-the-point, and tried to explain what I wanted to say with clarity.

Was it the subject matter? I hate to draw conclusions - but if these veterans concerns were "innappropriate" for the *Off Topic Zone* of the CIC, yet people can initiate threads on many OTHER subjects that I COULD site as counterexamples, ... at this point I just don't have the words for it, I am kind of shocked and suprised.

Please respond with a clear, honest explanation, I just need to understand. If not here in the forum, then AT LEAST with a PM or email.

BTW, I am *politely requesting* that unless there was some good reason for deleting the topic in the first place, that the thread be RESTORED, if possible.
I've never seen mods delete any threads ... even really, really stupid ones. If anything, I'd guess they were trying to delete "The CIC OT Zone's Official You're All Huge Idiots Religion Thread" or "Lightning in Bottles" and screwed up. Maybe.
Apparently someone didn't read the official board policy when they signed up.

8) The CIC reserves the right to close/remove any post/thread that is considered inappropriate.

9) If you believe that the CIC staff have made a mistake in regard to (8), you are allowed to protest. However, this is NOT to be done _on_ the board. You should use E-Mail, ICQ, or IRC. [size=+1]Any messages posted on the 'Zone for this purpose will be deleted, and the person responsible may, at the CIC's discretion, be banned[/size].

This thread is closed. The issue is being discussed.
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