Midway glitch or something...


Rear Admiral
Well this happened years ago during my very first WCP playthough, and trust me, that was a VERY long time ago. It was after the Kilrathi "Diversionary Strike" mission, and when I returned to the Midway her left engine was destroyed. Now when I played Prophecy back in the day, the Midway was never ever damaged, even during scramble missions, so how did this happen? I recall that a few wings were staging an ambush during that mission, maybe she was damaged during the fight? But then how come I can't replicate this incident to this day? Very strange, has it ever happened to anyone else?

Also, it took me FOREVER to compete that mission. I had to play it around 10 times before I got it right! :p
The Midway retains her damage status throughout the course of the game, with repairs being made at certain points. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your circumstances), flying simulator missions with the Midway present resets her damage status for the main campaign. I can only guess that either an earlier mission, or during one of the simulator defence missions, the Midway was damaged, and hence your recollection of that particular incident.