Middle-Earth Names


Vampire Ace
Click Here to find out your Elven name:

Mine is Eärendur Sáralondë

Click Here to find out your Hobbit name:


Click Here to find out a different Hobbit and Elven name, along with Dwarven and Orkish:

Dwarven = Pîm Thunderslinger

Elven = Helkatarma

Hobbit = Polo Gamgee from The Far Downs

Orkish = Ghâshsnak the Mucous

And I would have been a World-famous Haradrim
Whoa, this is starting to feel like Cats! (The name-thing, that is.)

Elven: Beren Elanessë :cool:
Hobbit: Grigory Hardbottle :confused:

That different name-thing was just freaky...
elven - Elessar Telrunya
hobbit - Till Gamgee, Took of Bywater
dwarven - Lor Stormboot
According to the Red Book of Westmarch,
In Middle-earth, I was a Regretful Black Rider :(

Elven: Bulëtincoion or Eöl Helyanwë
Hobbit: Hildifons Chubb from Willowbottom or Grigory Foxburr of Loamsdown
Dwarven: Trór Graniteleg
Orkish: Ghaztakh the Clutcher
Here we go...

I am: Arminas Calafalas; Marmadas Boffin of Needlehole ; Telpëalataion; Bob Gardener from Rushy; Vráin Emeraldear;Globlok the Stutterer.

Oh yeah, and I was a "treacherous eagle" muahhahahaha :cool:
The pronunciation is hara'dreem. They are the Dark-Skined men who allied themself with Mordor during the War of The Ring. In the Two Towers movie, they can be seen entering the Black Gates of Mordor.