Melek makes an appearence

At the trivia part of this months Gameinformer. Is a picture of Melek, it's nice to see Wing Commander still popping up in game magazines
Indeed it is, now if only the people making decisions saw those magazines...

I, as undoubtedly 99% of you, have seen numerous articles (I've lost count) over the past year calling for a resurrection of the franchise, and many of them have raised great points as to why the franchise should be resurrected. However, it seems that it's all falling on deaf ears at this point.
wasn't there a million point nerd score attached to that little quiz thing. my brother was rather confused when i corretly identified melek (facepalm and the like).
A while back GI also had another WC picture in the quiz but it's slipping my mind at the moment. I think it was posted in a thread...few months back maybe...maybe a year?
However, it seems that it's all falling on deaf ears at this point.

I wouldn't be so quick to assume this. Countless projects have come and gone since Secret Ops came out and we never heard about them because they were canceled before they got to a point where they were ready to be shown. It's quite possible that EA has something on the go right now even, even if they aren't ready to say anything about it yet. I'm sure there'll be a big announcement if this is the case when they actually have something interesting to show everyone.

In meantime... if someone has a scan of the page with Melek they can send in I'm sure we could put it in the news.
I wouldn't be so quick to assume this. Countless projects have come and gone since Secret Ops came out and we never heard about them because they were canceled before they got to a point where they were ready to be shown. It's quite possible that EA has something on the go right now even, even if they aren't ready to say anything about it yet. I'm sure there'll be a big announcement if this is the case when they actually have something interesting to show everyone.

In meantime... if someone has a scan of the page with Melek they can send in I'm sure we could put it in the news.
I'm getting more and more pessimistic by the day, just me by nature.

I am holding onto a little shred of hope that something is being worked on that we don't know about yet in preparation of the 20th Anniversary of the series (A re-release of the film on DVD/Blu-ray with an extended edit (with the traitor sub-plot put back in) would be very nice, but even just a special edition with more than just the trailors would be appreciated right about now).

It's been about a year and a half since we had a WC game period, and (I believe) 11 years since we had one in the flight sim style.
(A re-release of the film on DVD/Blu-ray with an extended edit (with the traitor sub-plot put back in) would be very nice, but even just a special edition with more than just the trailors would be appreciated right about now)

Speaking of which... the tenth anniversary of the WCM theatrical release is but a week away! I wonder if the CIC is planning anything?