Maybe now we can get WC multiplayer.

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Vice Admiral
I'd like to see Raylight come out with a Multiplayer version of WC.
Personally, I'd like to see something along the lines of a one on one fleet battle, with the ability to jump between fighters after yours gets destroyed, with idea being to annhilate the other player's carrier.
Or I would even settle for just a little fighter to fighter combat.:)
Prophecy GBA has a four-player multiplayer mode.

As for PC stuff, Raylight is a GameBoy developer... and even if they weren't, their deal with EA covers only GB titles.
Well from all of the articles I've read, I sort of got the impression that the four player mode is a cooperative mode during the regular missions, not head to head against one another. That's what I'd like to see, though the coop mode sounds pretty cool.
Yeah.. and the coop stuff is also objective based.. "defend the base" and so on.
I prefer coop missions in Multiplayer games than deathmatch etc...
Imagine a coop assault mission at the Bugs Fleet!!!DAMN GOOD
The enemy forces in the game wouldn't stand a HINT of a chance with four users to fight! Hmmm, but what if that famous quality of 'cutthroat' in humans comes out in co-op......many deaths indeed!
You are right.... even in "nightmare" difficulty Prophecy wasnt so difficult..... Imagine 4 players instead of one....Damn they could take the whole fleet.....
Co-op mode would take the bug death count from silly (up to 40 per mission) to REALLY silly (160 per mission). Maybe they'll make the weapons a bit less powerful to give the poor wee bugs a chance ;)
I don't understand why people are complaining about the number of enemy ships in Prophecy. The Nephilim's strength was clearly not their skill. It was their numbers. It's not like you're killing 40 Kilrathi per mission. Casey's not a god. He's just facing an inferior opponent, skill-wise.
Originally posted by TCSTigersClaw
Never played Armada im Multi. :(

But Armada is OK.Prophecy makes you a "god" pilot.

I played it, but its been so long i dont remember how ahrd it was...:( guess I have to go find out now! :D
Originally posted by Shaggy
I'd like to see Raylight come out with a Multiplayer version of WC.
Personally, I'd like to see something along the lines of a one on one fleet battle, with the ability to jump between fighters after yours gets destroyed, with idea being to annhilate the other player's carrier.
Or I would even settle for just a little fighter to fighter combat.:)

Three simple words:

"Wing Commander Armada"...
Originally posted by WildWeasel
I don't understand why people are complaining about the number of enemy ships in Prophecy. The Nephilim's strength was clearly not their skill. It was their numbers. It's not like you're killing 40 Kilrathi per mission. Casey's not a god. He's just facing an inferior opponent, skill-wise.

Emm.... maybe they are skillfull but they have great Technology....
Their ships shold be much much superior than ours......:eek:
I don't think they're supposed to be skillful or have great technology -- they're supposed to be like *bugs*... in that they have massive numbers and don't care about taking casualties (G)
Thats correct......but in their cap ships with these great BIG plasma cannon!!!Isnt that a proof that they have greater tech than ours ?

Well on the other hand maybe not...We had also our BIG gun (Behemoth):D
IIRC, the ICIS manual states that Confed believes the Nephilim are roughly technologically equal - that they haven't yet proved technological superiority. The plasma cannon is quite technologically advanced, but remember Confed had the PTC too, even if it did prove unstable (for the sake of gameplay balance more than anything, I assume).
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
I don't think they're supposed to be skillful or have great technology -- they're supposed to be like *bugs*... in that they have massive numbers and don't care about taking casualties (G)

remember the old USSR quote numbers have there own quality
i know i missed the right quote but i think i am close enough to make a point. that given enough numbers the bugs will win no mater the still of the pilots or tech of their equitment. the game was against a scouting group in force not an assault fleet.
Originally posted by Battler Hawke
remember the old USSR quote numbers have there own quality
i know i missed the right quote but i think i am close enough to make a point. that given enough numbers the bugs will win no mater the still of the pilots or tech of their equitment.

Last time I checked the USSR did lose. One soldier with a machine gun can take out 100 with swords. Greater technology and skill will almost always win. ;)
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