
overmortal said:
Star Trek conventions . . . ::shudders:: No thank you.

You don't see people mock war re-enactors. I think it's because everyone knows the phaser is fake, but they aren't sure about that big ass muskette...
Oh, believe me, I harrass war re-enacters, too. Once I stole this guy's gunpowder. I didn't really do anything particularly clever with it . . . I just rigged a fuse to the entire bag and blew it up. It was big and loud . . that count?

-Nick Blitz
human contact? no im big with that, i just dont see the fun in going to a convention were the higlight is a pair of authentic spock ears that all the geeks sell there posecions to own.

basicly i have lots of freinds and if they knew i liked starwars or this id be betaen to a pulp, not many gothic starwars fans
Lord_Nathrakh said:
basicly i have lots of freinds and if they knew i liked starwars or this id be betaen to a pulp, not many gothic starwars fans

Sounds like you really pick good friends. :p
overmortal said:
Oh, believe me, I harrass war re-enacters, too. Once I stole this guy's gunpowder. I didn't really do anything particularly clever with it . . . I just rigged a fuse to the entire bag and blew it up. It was big and loud . . that count?

-Nick Blitz

So, rather than make something of your own life and have a hobbie, you harass Wing Commander fans, Star Trek fans, War re-enactors, and just generally anyone who actually does something in their spare time aside from booze it up? Sounds like you have a pretty sad life and have to take out your anguish endured from your own abusive family on others. And so the cycle continues...
Looks like someone forgot to take their anti-asswipe pills.

I have a life, fool, and, just so you know, I happen to BE a fan of Wing Commander, Star Wars, and a few other things such as Ghostbusters. The difference is I don't go to conventions and wear costumes. I harrass people. It's fun.

I don't have an abusive family, although, by suggesting it, it leaves us reason to believe that you suffer such a horrible life. There, there, it's okay. You can cry on my shoulder. We're here for you.

-Nick Blitz

p.s. Oh, and I'm sXe, so I don't drink. Screw you.
overmortal said:
Looks like someone forgot to take their anti-asswipe pills.

I have a life, fool, and, just so you know, I happen to BE a fan of Wing Commander, Star Wars, and a few other things such as Ghostbusters. The difference is I don't go to conventions and wear costumes. I harrass people. It's fun.

I don't have an abusive family, although, by suggesting it, it leaves us reason to believe that you suffer such a horrible life. There, there, it's okay. You can cry on my shoulder. We're here for you.

-Nick Blitz

p.s. Oh, and I'm sXe, so I don't drink. Screw you.

Ah, the traditional asshole. You know, this IS breaking one of the forum rules, ja?
i actually agree with overmortal its much rather to annoy ppl then to sit idelly by and be annoyed by them....

and i dont understand how ppl can be as nerdy as to dress up and go to conventions. semms stupid to me, seems like a reason to be beaten up.

no my freinds are fine, there just psycopathic, i could take 1 or 2 of em, but there all over 6'2 and are rather nasty looken ppl, i would like them to meet you lot........wouldnt be cricket
Lord_Nathrakh said:
i actually agree with overmortal its much rather to annoy ppl then to sit idelly by and be annoyed by them....

and i dont understand how ppl can be as nerdy as to dress up and go to conventions. semms stupid to me, seems like a reason to be beaten up.

no my freinds are fine, there just psycopathic, i could take 1 or 2 of em, but there all over 6'2 and are rather nasty looken ppl, i would like them to meet you lot........wouldnt be cricket

If I was to take you seriously, that 'offer' could be considered a felony, or at least a misdemeanor.

Being blunt, your posting on these boards proves you're enough of a nerd (especially after your attempts at debate on a WC topic) to be subject to the same treatment you offered above.

In other words... let's drop this, alright?
well matter of factly im not a nerd, just......a concerned voice of the real world, blame my uncle for getting me into the games.

if u take it seriously then u are really wound to tight bro, u need to go get laid or somthen it does help releve tension.

and besides how many goths do u know that are nerds?
and i dont understand how ppl can be as nerdy as to dress up and go to conventions. semms stupid to me, seems like a reason to be beaten up.

And that's less pathetic than bickering like a teenager on the internet how?

The purpose of going to a convention is to hang out with people who share similar interests in a way you wouldn't normally be able to do. I know very few local Wing Commander fans, so when I go out drinking with my buddies we'll be talking about work and sports and what-not... going to an con (specifically, Dragon*Con next month!) lets me hang out with people and talk about collecting rare video games and movie continuity errors and what-not.

As for costumes, I'm not sure -- it's not my thing, but clearly a lot of people put a lot of time and effort into making them and dressing up... and if it's making them happy, what's the harm? (I do own several screen used WC outfits, but I don't actually wear them...).

no my freinds are fine, there just psycopathic, i could take 1 or 2 of em, but there all over 6'2 and are rather nasty looken ppl, i would like them to meet you lot........wouldnt be cricket

That's sad.

and besides how many goths do u know that are nerds?

... all of them? As stupid geeky subcultures go, "goth" is pretty high on the nerd-scale.
Lord_Nathrakh said:
if u take it seriously then u are really wound to tight bro

I agree that those who think that Spock will someday come to earth need a good psyc eval, but the assumption that everyone who dresses up is an "obsessive nerd" is just like saying everyone who trick-or-treats on Halloween is a Satan worshiper. It's a gross overgeneralized stereotype.

As for you, overmortal, you should take your own advice. Your reaction shows my statement may be more true than you're letting on. Quite obviously I got under your skin, and I'm sorry about that.
BWAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA excuse me while i laugh at your complete misunderstanding on the word goth........

dude goths are psycopaths, they have a reputation for self mutilation satanic yernings and death metal music with blood gore and death involved......but i can understand how they may be construed as......geeky.

and um startrek fans are defiently on the table of non geeks i mean who would love to wear spock ears and quote startrek episodes with now thats entertainment
it may be a generalisation, but a well founded one, what woudl the percentage be of goths getting beaten up and startrek fans getting beaten up? id think the startrek ppl would creep in just over the goths tend to start fights
Everyone thinks their own, personal clique is the one that isn't geeky-as-hell. I can assure you that, in the eyes of the rest of the world, you're absolutely wrong.