Map Updates

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
Hey guys -- it's that time once again: when I get interested enough in the WCU map to actually work on it! I've posted the most recent version online at (in parts and in full), and am working on a major interactive type dealy -- listing what planets and other data we have for each system... as always, suggest any changes and I'll either make them or argue with you!

I'm also putting together an archive of other WC maps --it's at the bottom of that really-cheap page I set up!
Perhaps make some 1/2 size ones. Something just big enough to see the text and jump lines, but small enough to mabey fit on a 1024x768 screen (or two heh). Those maps are detailed and well apreciated, but they're freakin HUUUUUUUGE. :D

Thanks for the effort.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Hey guys -- it's that time once again: when I get interested enough in the WCU map to actually work on it! I've posted the most recent version online at [/B][/QUOTE] thanks for the map and the answer to the question from another string.
Great work as alwayas, LOAF! Keep it up, you may complete the WC Visual Encyclopedia before next year! ;)