Lots of websites, Lots of forums


One funnels traffic from the Wing Commander community, the other from the linux/open source people. There's two separate demographics that both play the remake. Having a second website mirror isn't lots nor unusual.
I'd have to agree with him on that. I had to break your chain of links and fiddle around in order to get the release from sourceforge. I didn't assume that everyone else but us linux/open source people would have current links.

This would also be why I tried to convince a guy to let me test the beta's of 1.1 before they were released. Or after they were releaseed. It was a few days after the 10th that the forum titles got changed.

What gives? We like new links too.
I've noted that the website is now updated. However, clicking on the forums link from priv.solsector.net now sends me to a pr 1.1 forum on vegastrike, when it has sent me here in the past, and it does it in a frame.

Is this intentional, or accidental?