Looking WCIII 3DO Screenshots



I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find screenshots of the 3DO version of Wing Commander III. Based on my memory, they seemed to be of about the same quality as the new GBA version of WCP, and I was interested in doing a comparison. Any help would be appreciated, as I haven't been able to find anything doing a quick search.
It was supposedly better spaceflight wise than the computer version of WCIII. 3DO and Playstation versions had full color in-flight comm transmissions, but no ground battles.
Do you mean as in flight realism? That I could buy, but, having both versions, the graphics on the 3DO game are noticibly worse in terms of polygonal complexity and texture quality than their PC, (and probably PSX), counterparts. I'm looking for screenshots, though, because I'd like to do a side-by-side comparison.
Well, to be honest with you, I've never actually played the 3DO version. My friend had the PS version, and something about the spaceflight just looked cooler... It wasn't necessarily better graphics, just different. It had more color. Like I said, the 3DO/PS had more colors than the DOS version, hence the full color comms. As for pics, you need to look and see if you can find some old game-type magazines from back in the day with reviews. Not sure if I have any pics from the 3DO, but I do from the PS version. I'll have to check... Sorry I can't be more helpful.
3DO WC3 is fairly different - the combat almost looks more like WC2 than WC3. All the mission layouts are different, designed to be more of an 'arcade' game than WC3 PC/PS/Mac/Win9x/etc.

Getting screenshots is a pain in the ass because... who wants to plug Trip Hawkins' magic box into a TV card? If no one else does, I'll get to it eventually.