Look Ma, No Gravity (April 5, 2007)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
Hurleybird points us to a story in The Inquirer which claims that Origin founder Richard Garriott and Stephen Hawking, the inventor of the universe, are going to take a zero-g aircraft flight later this month:
RICHARD GARRIOTT, better known as the game developer Lord British has invited world's top theoretical physicist, no other than Stephen William Hawking - on a Zero-G flight on April 16th.

Garroitt is a gaming guru, having created Ultima, Bioforge, Lineage, City of Heroes and upcoming Tabula Rasa. He is also a space nut, investor in Zero-G company and one of trustee of the X-Prize Foundation.
Bioforge? This is just the first step for Garriott -- his goal is to shoot down 20 TIE Fighters, becoming a Space Ace so that a princess will allow him to travel through time.

Original update published on April 5, 2007
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Yes, he was executive producer of Bioforge. Why do you ask?
I'm aware that he was involved with Bioforge -- it just seems like a funny credit to be included in the mainstream media.

A reporter includes that sort of thing for people who know the media but not the man -- and no one in the universe is going to go "oh, of course, the *Bioforge* guy!".
They either were grasping for straws to cite his accomplishments (nevermind that "Ultima" constitutes close to two dozen games), wanted to appear "in the know" by citing an obscure game, or the guy's just a fan of Bioforge.

But I agree that it's an odd thing to mention.

It's a bit like listing Wings of Glory as one of Warren Spector's accomplishments.