"Let's play" series


Vice Admiral
It's been a while. Sorry about that. As we draw closer to the release, I'll try to keep you (yes, all three of you) up to date on recent developments.

We've teamed up with Rurikhan for one of his fantastic "let's play" videos and the end result is (I may come across as a little biased here) ... absorbing. Certainly puts my 10 years of flight experience to shame! Watch and enjoy.

P.S. Spoilers!
Good to see you posting here again, Tolwyn - hope this isn't a one-off :).

Generally, I really like what I see. Glad that you guys are doing character briefings - and I hope there's plenty of other cutscenes with characters in there, as well. Also, the whole experience looked much more Wing Commanderish than the original Prologue release - you've made great progress tuning the engine (too bad the cockpit view is still limited to WC4-style). Autopilot seemed pretty natural. I have to say, the thing that always stands out the most for me in Saga is the damage particles system. I know this is mainly an advantage built into the FS2 engine, so it's not technically your achievement but hey - it looks great, so why shouldn't I praise you for it? :) All those flames trailing from the Darkets really put WCP to shame! (...in that aspect)

It's too bad that you can really tell how little experience the guy playing has with space sims. To me, the wonderful thing about space sims, whether it's WC or Freespace, is that a skilled pilot could use afterburners to get right close to the enemy's tail, and it was really satisfying to see them explode when they were close enough to fill the screen. This guy doesn't do that, he resorts to blasting them from a distance most of the time.

(on a sidenote I've had the exact same problem with the WWII shooter my company is currently working on - when I went on a press tour, I would start off talking about how we felt that shooting at tiny dots on the screen is boring and how we designed the game in such a way as to maximise opportunities for close combat... and then when the journalists sit down to play, what do they do? They fly slow, don't use the speed boost, and wind up shooting at little dots :( )
Awesome video - and it seems to play much more like Wing Commander than the prologue did. If this mission is any indication of the overall project's quality, then I eagerly await the release of Saga. Keep it up!
It's too bad that you can really tell how little experience the guy playing has with space sims. To me, the wonderful thing about space sims, whether it's WC or Freespace, is that a skilled pilot could use afterburners to get right close to the enemy's tail, and it was really satisfying to see them explode when they were close enough to fill the screen. This guy doesn't do that, he resorts to blasting them from a distance most of the time.

I've always been under the impression that the main fascination of "let's play" videos was to see others fail in a spectacular fashion. ;)
Wow, just awesome. I love the rec room area, really immersive. A little glimpse that we see shows the start of a great plot.

Btw, will the game have mission branching or are there going to be 55 individual missions that vary based on on prior performance?
Looking great, guys! This is a great way to get the word out. I'll definitely not be missing this after watching that video. :)
Wow, just awesome. I love the rec room area, really immersive. A little glimpse that we see shows the start of a great plot.

Btw, will the game have mission branching or are there going to be 55 individual missions that vary based on on prior performance?

Id love that. But at least the original FS2 Engine was limited to a winning and loosing branch - though the missions could vary depending on success in prior missions.
I've always been under the impression that the main fascination of "let's play" videos was to see others fail in a spectacular fashion. ;)
That can be fun sometimes indeed ;). Still, I always prefer to watch a clip with someone playing the game really well. It tends to be more dynamic and interesting for the audience :).
Id love that. But at least the original FS2 Engine was limited to a winning and loosing branch - though the missions could vary depending on success in prior missions.

That sums it up nicely. Depending on your performance following missions might be a bit harder, dialogue and events may vary, you may also miss several achievements. Some missions are deemed campaign critical and will not allow advancement in the campaign unless you meet the required objective.
55 missions for a play through. Really?!?

Almost. The main campaign includes 50 missions, the revamped Prologue adds another 5 to the table. I am on my first real playthrough of the game right now, by the way - my best guess is that I'll need ~ 20-25 hours to beat the game.
I did. Looks truly amazing!
In the first one you can see the animated intro and a part of the first mission, which is continued in the second video. In the third and forth video you get to watch bigger battles against some bigger enemies. Unfortunately the guy flying seems equally experienced as the one flying in the video above ;)
Did anybody watch the other 4 videos that where not in english?
I certainly hope not.

And no, I wasn't flying, Death Angel. I've been critisized for my flying skills before, so I thought I'd let somebody else take the fall this time around. ;)
I know it wasn't you flying, Tolwyn :D . You would never fly using a mouse, right?
Since I am cack-handed myself (according to various sources on the internet), the whole thing would go down in infamy very rapidly (regardless which kind of input device I'd be using). :D
Khan's Darkest Dawn continues with another gameplay video from the first mission arc. These missions serve as a tutorial to introduce the player to different game mechanics, so the difficulty level is fairly low. Enjoy. ;)
