let's make x-toys release the WCM rapier and dralthi..

Well they did release a few, infact my girlfriend spotted one, at first I didn't believe her but the shop assistant said it was a dralthi and had been sold to a Wing Commander collector (if I find him I kill him). I really wish they'd make them in some quantity, they looked so cool!
I've spoken to several people at X-Toys -- they never even sent the molds to the factory for the WC fighters... you've been mislead. :)
It could be possible to get the toys made. Wizard has a Top Ten list of Action Figures that ought to be made and because of their list a few of them actually were. It's a bit of a long shot, but maybe a petition?
Petitions have a *chance* of working. Unfortunately petitions have the same chance of working as a certain Half Life engine based WC mod has of getting completed... :)