Last RF Mission Problem


In old Rightheous Fire i had no trouble locating the Moon thats leads the Path to the hidden jump piont... (the Mordechai Jones thing)
In Privateer Remake i just can't find it ...
Is there any clue or description available to help me?
Maybe I provided not all the necessary information :)
After visiting Planet Eden and praying, according to the faithful, Jones is travelling to the "moon". Looking at the Sky near Eden I fail to see any moons. There are no nav points, just a jumpoint to valhalla, at Valhalla there's an Asteroid field and a nav point, but didn't find a moon nor Jones.
Ok, i just visited Eden Temple again and it was destroyed, so Jones is already dead o.0
... how could I just have missed this?
But thanks for your reply hellcatv.
Strange way to beat a final mission ;)