Lance Casey


Vice Admiral
In Star Soldier. He's not referenced.....So what happened to this little boy? 20 years after...or during the Nephilem war?
There are a few references to ol' Lance.

From the Battlecruisers inset: "The most famous battlecruiser of all was unquestionably the TCS Lawrence, which rescued the TCS Midway after Zhrtx’s Doublecross. Her sudden arrival at the height of the battle prompted Colonel Casey himself to exclaim that she was 'the ugliest, most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.'"

In the Port Broughton article, describing the shrines people have in their homes: "These personal habicubes are sparsely decorated, save one common element - nearly every wall has a cheap, gold-bordered holoframe containing the face of either Lance Casey, President Harrison or Maverick Blair."

... and then there's a casting call for a CASEY TAKES CHARGE movie in the classifieds section.
While poking fun at Petrarca. :)

Yes, someone is clearly aware that there was no love lost for Petrarca at Origin... (although I think the comment is as much making fun of Origin for having cast him as the space hero in the first place.)
Well... WCP was my first WC game ever, so I think I would have a different point of view here...

I liked how Casey felt as THE new guy in the Midway, because I was feeling just like that in WC... I mean, everything there was new for me, Hawk's hate for the cats, Blair's hero story... I didn't know much at the time

That 1st movie as you come onboard the Midway and the Stiletto/Maniac parts, made ME feel like Casey...

In a way, it just made it easier for me to "become" Lance... It was way different to see myself as Maverick latter

The Midway and Casey for me just felt right... For anyone with Blair's records to see Petrarca as the new hero felt wrong, but not for a newcomer...

After I saw Blair I could tell the difference, but I had already seen the world as the "plebe" in the Midway, so it was a different experience I think
My first WC game was GBA prophecy. Oh, don't knock it too hard- I got it for $10 and all I could think of is "wow, if they got this THAT GOOD on the GBA, I wonder what the PC versions are like!" But without any movies, I didn't feel too big of a connection- but it was very nice to be going into a new world with someone who was also a rookie. Made things easier on us.
Well... WCP was my first WC game ever, so I think I would have a different point of view here...
I played WCP before seeing Mark Hamill as Blair, so while I wasn't new to WC, WCP was the first FMV WC game for me. I probably don't mind Casey as much as some others here, but there are a few awkward scenes here and there.
It is good to hear that Prophecy GBA created even more WC fans.

Yeah, I love that. I can't wait to meet more cadets who signed up because they got EA Replay or WC Arena on a whim. After a long time without WC games, you kind of start to think that we're it - but a lot more people bought Replay and Arena than visit the CIC. It's only a matter of time before they think to plug Wing Commander into Google and find their way home.
I also sort of fit in with Casey. Even though I played some of the other games with my dad, Prophecy was the first game I think I played from start to finish by myself. I mean the series is literally as old as I am, so I kind of grew up with Blair being a hero I could only see, whereas Casey I actually connected with.
... and then there's a casting call for a CASEY TAKES CHARGE movie in the classifieds section.

I wonder if he took charge the way Bondarevsky took charge of Tarawa, or maybe if there was some kind of mid mission diaster that led to him taking charge of the wing or flight group or something.
I read the back of the package and the manual on my way home while on the train, wich was an hours drive. I was quite aware I was going to play someone new. It did bring in some awkward idea when Blair walked in and greeted you. Still, from a storytelling point of view it was neatly done.
I read the back of the package and the manual on my way home while on the train, wich was an hours drive. I was quite aware I was going to play someone new. It did bring in some awkward idea when Blair walked in and greeted you. Still, from a storytelling point of view it was neatly done.

You're lucky, I spent the first six missions or so going, "Ok, now when are we switching over to blair!"
Apart from WC Arena WC4 was the latest game I ever played, universe kinda fell apart in my eyes without the cats to scrap with and arrogant Tolwyn dead so never met this Casey fellow
If you haven't played WCP/SO I wouldn't go saying that the universe fell apart...if anything it expanded in new directions.

I'm going to guess you haven't read Star*Soldier either. You may want to check it out and rethink your post.
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Yes I have read Star*Soldier and I stick by my post. not everyone is going to like everything I just didnt like where the game was headed from WC4 onwards, I love the retro feel of Arena and have had many a great time playing it. Am I in the wrong for not embracing the post Kilrathi war era!