Not posted here for years.. suprised my account was not purged

Just bit random messing around I have KS wc3 working without the color corruption..

1. Create a shortcut to the main exe on the desktop
2. Right clkick it and goto Properties/compatibility
3. check on mode for Windows 95 and EVERY other option..

Just tried this and it ran fine with no corruption..yet

Also ALT+Enter to make windowed has the same effect but I cant make it bigger as of yet.

Tell us what happens for you

I'm running Win7 64bit Home Premium
I sometimes get purple colors when it boots up, but a restart of the game fixes it. I'm also on Win7 64-bit Home Premium.
Not posted here for years.. suprised my account was not purged

I'm running Win7 64bit Home Premium

I love to see people come back after many (more than 9!) years!

This is great news though. It's sounding like Windows 7 has very good compatibility options, but what has bothered me is the 64-bit stuff. There have been reports of issues with that, and I wouldn't even know where to begin trying to overcome such a thing if somehow WC games were just completely in conflict with a 64 bit environment somehow.