Kilrathi Voices...


Vice Admiral
...or how did you make them?

I'm running against the wall trying to create something decent... Could you help me with that? I just want the Kilrathi to sound like the Kilrathi and not like some cheap 09/13 alien race from the edge of nowhere :(

Best Regards Tolwyn
Run a few lion snarls, grring and such through a chorus or metalizer, and overlay them onto the speaking, so that the voice seems to have a constant Kilrathi "burp" to it if You know what I mean... Also, while disguising the actual speaking voice with effects such as tremolo and chorus, add another voice about an octave down, slightly low inte the mix. That should do it for Kilrathi voices.
looks like something was lost in translation :(

btw, where might I get those snarl samples? And, will it work?

For example for common radio comms I have a special batch filter written... (CoolEdit) Is there anything like this available? :eek:
Hey Tolwyn! Check your mail, you'll find a surprise...and no, it's not a virus :p

BTW if you get a cool edit filter for Kilrathi voices, send it to me, i'd very much like to hear how I sound as a kilrathi. :D
Tolwyn said:
...or how did you make them?
Not much help we can give you, I'm afraid. The guy who recorded them (15th Rampage) did the modifications himself, we just converted them and put them into the game.
Eh, my favourite way, since I like the WC2 Kilrathi the most, is to work up a little phlegm (or loosen up your vocal chords a bunch, so that you're raspy) and talk in a somewhat deep voice. Modulating it down a couple of tones might add a little more grit to it, as well.
@Quarto: I know that guy... he used to be on my staff, but he disappeared a long time ago. Dunno what happened to him.

If I don't find any way to simulate Kilrathi voices I'll use an effect similar to Vasudans in FS2 :(
Tolwyn said:
@Quarto: I know that guy... he used to be on my staff, but he disappeared a long time ago. Dunno what happened to him.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he left the WC community altogether, though I was never clear on the reason for it.

TC's method is probably a pretty good start, BTW... if you make your voice raspy enough, it shouldn't require too much modification beyond that.
TC said:
Eh, my favourite to work up a little phlegm ...and talk in a somewhat deep voice...
...which also is handy, btw, for speaking German (or English with a German accent). ;)
I think it needs to be much throatier
try gurgling when you talk with a bit of water in the back of your mouth
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