Kilrathi Saga Screenshots

Zor Prime

That guy.
Does anybody know haw to take screen shots in any of the KS games? Everytime I use printscreen, The image is just a black box, or is a mess of colors. Can anybody help?
I would use some external program for that. I found with a fast pc and 3d accelerated vid card, old games and ones beefed up for win cant quite take pictures properly. Ran into this with an old game map editor (TED) for ROTT. It would display the map layout correctly, but when I would draw a simple box layout (4 sides), then save it, the map would have those 4 walls in a straight line, but droped by one segment as they got drawn to the screen or printer! I never did figure it out so I just use the ol trusty dusty 486 for that stuff!


"You've got quite a record pal but it ends here!" [Insys/Confed, Privateer/RF]
Thanks for the info guys. I'll have to try it out. If anyone else has any ideas or experiences, keep em coming!
get paint shop pro. you can set a screen capture up bound to a key, so when you press the key you get a screenshot
unfortunately psp is expensive, look for paint shop pro 5 trial, bcos it has full functions and altho it says it will expire it wont
A program I have used for getting screenchots in WC3, 4, 5 is IrFanView. It's great for getting shots of movies but when it comes to taking pics in flight it screws up. In WC1 and 2 the colors are f-cked up.
I think the closest I've ever come to KS screenshots is aiming my webcam toward my monitor while playing WC2.