Kilrathi fighters


Ever noticed that the Fralthra Class wc2 looks like an
Ever heard that the gratha wc1 is the best looking kilrathi fighter??
Thats what i think!
The Fralthra looks like an X-Wing ? That seems rather far fetched to me. OK, it has "wings" at its back that spread out like a star but it has more and looks completely different for the rest. But that's only my opinion.
The Gratha is not bad but it looked too normal to me. Those Jalthis were evil-looking and the Dralthi is just classic.
OK small comparison
fralthra has
same wings
engines on the exact same spot
almost same hull structure except for the windows

shit image i know

[Edited by Cadfael on 05-15-2001 at 09:49]
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The wingspan on the X-Wing appear to be a bit larger than the Fralthra. The body of the X-Wing is slender compared to the wide body on the Fralthra. But they are very close in appearance.

That is a picture of a Kamekh, not a Fralthra. Fralthra have more wings and a much larger body. Now that you mention it they do look similar (X-Wing and Kamekh).

Side note: There is an error in the database. The pics of Fralthra and Kamekh are switched.
Well, OK, the Kamekh and an X-Wing bear a small similarity due to their back part. Of course the Kamekh is far larger... ;)
I can see a small resembalence, but I think the Kamekh looks alot cooler :)
And I'd rather have a measley X-Wing chasing me than a Kamekh, those things had the bad habbit of missile spamming me into small bits :(
Really? Kamekhs were always tinderboxes to me. Usually you encounter them in a Broadsword or an Epee. With those ships on its six, a Kamekh is dead in no time.

The pair of Kamekhs in SO1 may have been a little harder in the Crossbow, but the pair of Kamekhs in SO2 when you were in the Morningstar was fun!
I always found on high difficulty levels (The only levels I play) the dang things kept swamping me with im-recs. :(
They, themselves, were no more than a transport with less flak "mist" (As I called it from the early wing commanders, reminded me of one of those lightning balls, all the little flak balls spraying out in every direction.) but the missiles were definately a pain, esp when trying to close range strafe their hulls while they were turning to meet you.