Kilrathi Evolution.

The conflict with the Mantu was one of their first interstellar wars, and the first half occured before they gained jump technology (and as thus probably was fought in the Kilrah System itself). The ICIS manual seems to imply that the Confederation has since encountered the Mantu.

I think we're blowing the condition of Kilrah out of proportion. It's not some horrible hellish place doomed to destroy itself -- it's just *more* unstable than Earth. That doesn't mean it's *entirely* unstable. In fact, we know that it had become a temperate, Earth-like world towards the end of the war - until a major industralization polluted it once again.

The Kilrathi xenophobia is probably a mix of their more difficult evolution and their past dealing with the Nephilim.

Comment regarding their slower evolution from earlier in the thread: remember that the Kilrathi are *not* as well developed as we are. Although they're strong and such, their technology is what it is because they were able to steal it from other species.

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG
So what you're saying is that the Kilrathi evolved fur to keep cool rather than to keep warm?

A bit off topic & in response to Gunner's thread if the Kilrathi do steal most of their tech from other species then maybe the Lason was destroyed as an experiment. The cats had obtained/pilfered/plundered some new lasers & the Lason happened to be a convenient target.
Tis *I*ason.

But the Kilrathi POV on its destruction has been pretty much stated in Voices of War. THe reference to them stealing their technology isn't like "Hey, a laser, tape it on to the ship!", but rather "Hey, we've slaughtered a jump capable race and taken the ability to produce jump drives", or "we've enslaved a race to design new weapons for us".

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG